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Subject: Re: actually not

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Date Posted: 21:03:55 10/06/05 Thu
In reply to: Peter 's message, "Re: actually not" on 14:20:08 10/06/05 Thu

I know you were refering to the Live 105 visit....just adding a factual touch to your info.

I am having a fun time just thinking about the possibilities of Darian working on the current 106.9...the religious station. Ken has nothing to do with that. The transfer to Infinity's ownership just hasn't been made yet. The new format he is working on should be interesting although you bring up Darian on bible thumping radio has just created a much more fun image in my head. The laughs are non stop...can you imagine her commentary??

>>Plenty can be read into visits to 825 Battery Streets
>>NEW studios Talking to GM Ken Kohl. As for 750
>>Battery, only thing there is Spanish radio.
>Yeah, it used to be a fun building. Change sucks. I
>was referring to her visit to LIVE 105 at 865
>Battery. Apparently you know more than us.
>Call me crazy, I have trouble imagining D working on a
>religious station (which is what Ken Kohl is running)
>but that sure would be fun to listen to. ROTFLMA.

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