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Subject: Rumors

D & C
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Date Posted: 16:22:07 10/19/05 Wed

Wow...we've heard some FUNNY ones in the last few days. As much as I would like to confirm that i will, in fact, be co-hosting mornings in Chicago with Gary Coleman (CUZ THAT IS SOME FUNNY SHIT) I sadly have to keep you guessing for a litle while longer.

I soooo appreciate that anyone other than my creditors give a rat's ass where I work but, for now, Chad and I are only at liberty to tell you that we are having fun, chilling with Colonel Barker and the Barker Bunch in Cali and the tour of terror has just begun. Other than that, it's ALL nonsense and speculation. No contracts, no anouncements, no coup attempts (FF Coppola's secret stash of stogies in the Godfather desk not withstanding) to speak of and nothing press worthy.

Cheeky did, however, spend an entire hour oohing and ahhing over the high tech wizadry of an elevator at Target strictly intended for shopping carts. Chalk another one up to that wide eyed boyish enthusiasm of his.

We're having more fun than any human being ougtha be allowed to , we're with the greatest friends anyone could ask for in the most beautiful city in the world (imho) and if and when we've got public yapping to do... BELIEVE me ... you'll hear about it.

Mad Love from,
Darian and Chad

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Re: RumorsFFRNIR20:25:48 10/19/05 Wed

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