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Subject: Your show

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Date Posted: 03:02:49 11/04/05 Fri

Love you, love FREE, happy about all your sex fantasies. I agree
with Vince though, that in this day and age, the percentage of women
who have been raped is staggering. Something like 3 out of 4. I
think just saying "sex fantasies/role playing is better", because
many guys simply are not honorable, AND rape by definition, is a sex
crime. Promoting healthy sex is fine, but remember there are real
people out here who have been raped, and try to be mindful of the
power you have and the responsibility because people listen to you. : )

I feel like any radio station that plays selections from the
Constitution has hope!! ALL the other media focus on sex and
preoccupation with self to distract us from the fact that our guv is
torturing and murdering innocent people in central Asia with our hard
earned tax dollars while we don't have health care, money for
education, Katrina rebuilding money.... etc. What is gonna make you
different ?

I think it is great to have the discussion - thank you for listening
and helping our listeners work through our issues... OY !

Wishing you all good stuff !

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