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Subject: Congratulations!

Eric Morris
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Date Posted: 17:59:55 11/08/05 Tue

INBOX: Email 5 of 63

Just heard the news that you are back in SF! Congrats to you, I bet you are thrilled to be back in the Bay Area.

I hope to be able to listen to your show via the net, but will definitely check your show out when I am home for Christmas!

Perhaps, we can meet for a drink and shoot the shit about old times! That is if you have time for some of us mere mortals –lol!

I now have a 3 yr old and another on the way. I have also started a new company (2 years) and produce the largest poker magazine world wide. Life is good for the Morris clan right now.

If you are ever interested in interviewing any poker players (Annie Duke, Phil Laak, Clonie Gowen, Antonio Esfiandiari, Marcel Luske, etc) please let me know as they all write for my publication Bluff! We also have Jennifer Tilly as one of our featured writers along with Will Wheaton! I would be more then happy to line up any interviews for your show.

In any case, hope all is well.

All the best,

Eric Morris - AKA – Stud Boy!

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Re: Congratulations!Scott18:06:46 11/08/05 Tue

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