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Subject: Your Show

Foster in Hayward
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Date Posted: 09:45:33 11/09/05 Wed

I have called your show once so far, and look forward to calling again very soon. I have a few things to touch on so I will just jump around a little...

New Mantra.. Darian O'Toole Her voice, attitude, and approach "on-air" are the bellows to the "Fire of life"

Question, if Sarah was as big in ratings as she thinks she is, why does her co-host refuse to even give his name.. did he think.. man, she sucks, I don't want my name associated with her so what can i do.. I know.. tell the director not to use his name....Hence, Sarah and No Name

I too laughed hard when your listener said "No Name, and No Talent"...

I have a story about trying to listen to her show.. not real intresting but end result.. tried it, bored with it, went back to music and kcbs news radio, and now hearing your FreeFm station have bought a cell phone with a FM built in to catch all three shows when I am out of my car!!!

I think most of your audience figured something when you kept saying you were close to dying in Canada..You all but said the reason so I was just not sure if mental breakdown, something like major flu or in fact the cancer that we finally heard you talk about was the reason.... Glad you not only beat it, found a killer station to come back too.

Not sure if you can follow this, I am typing it after midnight... but Idea for Dog House.. has anyone talked to Adam.. to see if willing to cut his show and hour shorter.. then you can move up the one hour they play best of John L show and fit you all... Or... Or.....

Here is my Dream Idea.. some of the best radio FreeFm has done is when DH was guest on your show, and John L..'s show and when you stayed later for John's show too.. sooo.. Adam cuts his show and hour early... DH comes on and you join in for last part of Dog House show.. then you stay on for beginning of John's Show for the first Hour.. again cutting out the best of Inferno.
Then if Adam soars you all fit and makes for original talk radio since you already have the family mentality. If Adam does not take off in this market.. Dog House is still there to take over.. Win Win

Lastly.. if you ever need a Divorced Dad's view.. who actually has major custody of his daughter, and has and opinion on just about everything.. fill free to call me 5107061891 but I will be calling you too when I have something I know the listeners will enjoy hearing.


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