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Subject: the aliens are coming!

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Date Posted: 19:07:33 11/12/05 Sat

Ok so maybe they aren't coming :)
D i was on hold forever Friday but I'll try again on monday.
In the interim have a good read of EL84's bio just for fun...lol
love ya
Ty and the guys of EL84

36 Million Light years ago on the Dark Moon of Planet Tone in the Sub Solar System Toneulous a strange sound was emitted from
a gastronomical anomaly in the planets thin crust.

Propelled by the super heated atmosphere of planet Tone, the sound waves rocketed past Tone’s outer ring. Leaving Tone’s magnetic pull, the wave began to change its oscillating shape and became more dense and lower in frequency causing this small disturbance to gain even more speed.

Now traveling well over the speed of light, 186,000 miles per/second, the wave began to pick up sub atomic particles that were fastly building onto this inter planetary traveler.

Years later, on the terrestrial planet Earth, operations at the mountain top planetary listening center in Arecibo are running normal.
Operation commander Lieutenant Shred sits down to enjoy some coffee and the paper.

As he sips the hot coffee it burns his mouth and spills onto his paper.
Shred looks down to the coffee soaked paper at the front page headline.

Thousands witness strange disturbance in upper atmosphere.
Scientists say:
“Most likely caused by a inter planetary sub sonic transmission that ripped through the upper atmosphere”

Moment’s later Shreds attention was caught by the vast panels of instruments in the lab going into warning mode.

Shred looks at the computer screen as the seismic graph explodes to the top of the screen.
“Something is coming!” Shred yells.
“Shhh…listen” as Shred puts his ear to the cold lab floor.

“Do you hear that?” Shred asks the other observers. “No we don’t hear anything.”
Suddenly the ground begins to rumble and the observatory shutters with a loud low frequency groan and then all was quiet.
No more alarms or shaking. It appears all is normal.

Except maybe for Lieutenant Shred.

It seems that since this encounter that he is somewhere else. Just an empty shell drifting between inter planetary dimensions.

When asked about his unique experience Shred just stares, empty at first,
And with heart felt conviction exclaims- “ I have heard .”

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