Date Posted:09:11:39 06/12/03 Thu Author:HorseRiderGirl Subject: Westpoint Stud Sevices and Horses For Sale
E-mail me a if you are interested
Here are the horses up for stud at Westpoint Stables:
Horse’s Name: Romeo
Horse’s Show Name: I’m No Romeo
Horse’s gender: Stallion
Horse’s breed: Caspian
Horse’s disciplines: driving, jumping, flat racing, steeplechasing, show, EXCELS in dressage
Horse’s Age: 5
Points: 385
Comments: Romeo is a horse that will not let himself be left alone. He loves attention!
Horse’s Name: Storm (the one in first place)
Horse’s Show Name: Perfect Storm
Horse’s gender: Stallion
Horse’s breed: Thoroughbred
Horse’s disciplines: EXCELS in racing. He is son of Seceridat (the real one)!
Horse’s Age: 2 (April 2001)
Points: 20
Horse’s Name: No Kidding!
Horse’s gender: Stallion
Horse’s breed: Appaloosa
Sire: Whisper Or Shout (Lacey’s Horse)
Dam: Six Gun Sally
Horse’s disciplines: NONE
Horse’s Age: March 4, 2003
Horse’s Name: Sol
Horse’s Show Name: Solmate
Horse’s gender: Stallion
Horse’s breed: Arabian
Horse’s disciplines: english pleasure, in hand, steeplechsing, dressage, show
Horse’s Age: 5
Points: 120
Horse’s Name: Tokyo
Horse’s Show Name: Tokyo By Night
Horse’s gender: Stallion
Horse’s breed: Missouri Fox Trotter
Horse’s disciplines: EXCELS in dressage, and also makes a great jumper. He is beautiful and perfect for showing. He is good on the trails and completely bomb proof.
Horse’s Age: 5
Horse’s Name: Runner
Horse’s Show Name: Running For The Money
Horse’s gender: Stallion
Horse’s breed: Thoroughbred
Horse’s disciplines: EXCELS in racing
Horse’s Age: 2 (December 11, 2000)
Points: 45
Horse's Name: Ghost
Horse's Show Name: Midnight's Ghost
Horse's breed: Missouri Fox Trotter
Horse's gender: colt
Dam: Moonlight's Romance
Sire: Tokyo By Night
horse's disciplines: NONE
Horse's Age: April, 2003
Here are my mares that I would let you breed to and keep the foal, or, I could breed two of my horses and you could pay me for the foal:
Horse's Name: Jessie
Horse's Show Name: Jessie Lee
Horse's breed: Quarter Horse
Horse's gender: Mare
Horse's color: Black
horse's disciplies: reining, broodmare
Horse's Age: 10
Stats: Pregnant with a filly (Sire-Diesel)
Points: 20
Horse's Name: Treasure
Horse's Show Name: Tara's Treasure
Horse's breed: Quarter Horse
Horse's gender: Mare
Horse's Age: 6 years old
Height: 17.2 hh
Horse's color: Dark bay with 3 socks
horse's disciplines: Roping, Cutting, and EXCELS in reining.
Points: 40
Horse's Name: Moonlight's Romance
Horse's breed: Fox Trotter
Horse's gender: Mare
Horse's Age: 6
horse's disciplines: EXCELLS in Dressage and Show Jumping
Points: 70
Horse's Name: Spunky Sassy
Horse's breed: POA
Horse's gender: mare
horse's disciplines: jumper, barrel racer, Dressage
Horse's Age: 6
20 points
~*Health*~ Had a bad case of colic, treated, but still at high risk for rest of her life...
Here are the horses for sale at Westpoint Stables:
Horse’s Name: Blue
Horse’s Show Name: A Lil’ Blue Moon
Horse’s color: Bay
Horse’s gender: Colt
Horse’s breed: Thoroughbred/Quarter Horse
Sire: Blue Moon’s New Melody
Dam: Deedee
Horse’s disciplines: all around
Horse’s Age: November 24, 2002
Asking Price: $2,000
Horse’s Name: Sadie
Horse’s color: grey
Horse’s gender: Mare
Horse’s breed: Arabian
Horse’s disciplines: all around
Horse’s Age: 5
History: Rescued Horse
Asking Price: $2,500
Horse's Name: Missy
Horse's Show Name: Miss America
Horse's gender: filly
Horse's breed: Mustang
Sire: Beauty (Rachel's Horse)
Dam: Current
horse's disciplines: halter broke, leads, loads, trailers, clips, ties, bomb-proof
Horse's Age: April 16, 2003
~*FOR SALE once she gets some training in*~
Horse's Name: Beauty
Horse's Show Name: Flaming Night Beauty
Horse's gender: Mare
Horse's breed: Trakehner
Horse's Age: 5
Horse's disciplines: Cross Country, Jumping, and Dressage
Asking Price: $1,500
Horse's Name: Cheyenne
Color: Cremello with Beautiful blue eyes
Horse's breed: Cremello
Horse's gender: Mare
Temperment: Outstanding
Horse's Age: NOV 1997
Diciplines: Trail, Bridges, Water, Traffic, side passes, carries a flag, rides double, calf roping, beginner/intermediate or advanced, Trailers, clips, ties, lunges, broodmare
Comments: Cheyenne, is a great all around horse. She loves the trail and led group trail rides for a year. Nothing fazes her. She has been to the beach tons of times. She is a GUARENTEED COLOR PRODUCER.
Points: 35
Asking Price: $3,000
Horse's Name: Current
Horse's Show Name:In the Winning Current
Horse's color: blue roan
Horse's breed: Mustang
Horse's gender: Mare
Horse's Age: 4
horse's disciplines: Western Pleasure, trail, roping, reining, barrel racing
Comments: Current was caught from a wild herd of mustangs, she has great form and looks like she would be a great ranch horse!
Points: 65
Asking Price: $1,000
Horse's Name: Jane
Horse's Show Name: Wild Jessie Jane
Horse's breed: Quarter Horse
Horse's gender: Filly
Dam: Jessie Lee
Sire: Whisper Or Shout (Lacey's horse)
horse's diciplines: roping, reining, barrel racing, leads, loads, trailers, clips, ties, bomb-proof
Birthdate: February 23, 2003
Points: 20
Asking Price: $1,000
Horse's Name: Heaven
Horse's Show Name: 7th Heaven
Horse's color: very light grey (beautiful white color)
Horse's breed: Arabian
Horse's gender: Mare
horse's disciplines: in-hand, polo, trail, broodmare
Horse's Age: 5
Comments: Heaven is a beautiful arabian, she is great at in-hand and polo. She is bomb proof along water, bridges, and traffic along the trails. She makes a wonderful broodmare.
Points: 70
Asking Price: $2,000