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Date Posted: 14:02:26 07/28/03 Mon
Author: HorseCrazyGirl
Subject: Selling some of my horses

I'm selling six horses from my barn, They are all in great shape, if you are interested, please e_mail me or post!!

Name: Brooke
Show Name: Babbling Brooke
Gender: Mare
Breed: American Paint Pony
Age: 5
Disciplines: Jumping, Freestyle Reigning

Selling as a pair:
Name: Green bubble
Age: 7 yrs. old
Breed: Falabella
Gender: Mare
Diciplines: Drives Cart for little kids
and her foal
horses name: Bubble
horses show name: Speedy Bubble
Dam: Green Bubble
Sire: Warp Speed Ahead (Carrie's stud)
Born: March 13, 2003
Breed: Arabian x Falabella
Gender: Filly
Disciplines: NONE

Name: Deedee
Show Name: A Little Finesse
Gender: Mare
Hands High: 15.3hh
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: Bay
Age: 6
Disciplines: some dressage

Horses name: Snicker
Horse's Show Name: Snicker Doodle
Horse's breed: Tennessee Walker
Horse's gender: Filly
Horse's disciplines: Has potential to be a great racer
Horse's Birthdate: May 8, 2002
Horse's Color: Black, four white socks, a blaze, and 2 white body spots

Name: Chip
Show Name: Chips Hot Chocolate
Gender: Gelding
Hands High: 17.2
Breed: Thoroughbred
Color: Bay
Age: 4

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