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Date Posted: 17:58:04 08/26/02 Mon
Author: Striker
Subject: Re: *approches*
In reply to: SE 's message, "Re: *approches*" on 17:32:46 08/26/02 Mon

::snorts at the mention of his son.He missed him dearly but now he had hope for him.Hopes that he would grow up to be unlike his father.Unlike the mess his fathr had become.He was gratefull of the kind stallion to take his son in and give him a home.He didn't want to ruin that for SD:: I wish to gratefully thank you for the kindness you have shown to my son but I wish for him not to grow up like me.Let him live peacefully.A normal foal.I will visit once he is a few years older.When He will understand.My ways can't be changed for it is who I am however there is hope for Silent Death.He is smart,brave,kind.Let him stay that way.You are his family now and that is what he needs.Perhaps once I have my family started I will visit him and let him visit me but for know you are what is best for him.I shall never harm those in your herd but that is all I can promise!You have been so kind to my son.Please let him grow up right! Thank-you,but please,I wish not to enter your harrem in fear SD might see me but I do ask for you to please come here often and tell me how he is doing.How he is growning up! ::nods to steed in gratitude::

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