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Subject: Re: Voyage

Fate |NPC|
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Date Posted: 18:12:35 10/14/02 Mon
In reply to: SnowTigress 's message, "Voyage" on 14:47:37 09/13/02 Fri

You grabbed some of Rogue Storm's oats out of your pack and clicked your tongue hoping to get her attention. She noticed you and her ears immediately went up. She tossed her head a bit and snorted, then cautiously walked closer to you. The food was too tempting..She must have been without food for a while. Surprisingly, the old mare walked right up to you and ate out of your hand. You grabbed some barley out of your pack and she gobbled it up. While she was eating, you snatched the note off the string and she didn't even notice. Slowly you unrolled it as it was rolled like a diploma. It was a message from a man to his wife...A love letter even, and he talked specifically about his mare and how he hoped to come home safely to her, but he feared more for his mare's life than his own. He had been feeding her all of his food because he had loved her so much. You slowly came to the realization that this man was not around anymore. He must have died out in the wilderness. :(
On the brighter side of things, you have a new horse, and she's a fine horse at that.

Name: Nature
Age: 11 years
Gender: Mare
Color: Black
Breed: Quarter Horse
Height: 15hh
Markings: White star, snip on hindquarters

What do you do now?

A. Take the mare along with you and keep traveling.
B. Head home with her and quit this adventure.
C. Leave her..You don't have room for another horse, but keep adventuring.
D. Leave her..You don't have room for another horse, and head home.

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[> [> Subject: A

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Date Posted: 15:22:41 10/15/02 Tue

A. Take the mare along with you and keep traveling.

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