Subject: Disqus steadily more showing its purpose as a deep state global sebsorship cervice |
Author: Knuit Holt
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Date Posted: 23:34:55 07/30/17 Sun
Disqus takes the shape of a clobal sensorship service for all internet comments
The worldwide Internet commentary service Disquss begins to show its real nature and real pupose, which is a global sensorship on all commentaries at the internet, and by steadily more banning all content that do not keep the mainstream attitude.
One purpose is to ensure all opinions expresssed support ivestors' purpose of gaining proffit, and that nothing commented go against or compete with advert from the investors themselves issued by Disquss.
The international and national governmental deep state services also use the sensorchip services of Disqus for ensuring that all comments support the mainstream opinions all citizens of any nation are supposed to have.
The recent develop+ment of their censorship clearly shows that the deep state nationally and internationally is in control of the service in addition to the global monopoly capitalist investors.
What is censored is everything outside the mainstream, including everything tagged as conspiration theories, and everything they interprete as spam, with a very wide definition of that term.
It does not matter how you are outside the mainstream. The only that matters is that you go against what people is supposed to think on any subject.
The owners of the websites have ample opportunities to ban people from posting on their site, but that does not seem to work generally, since some posters, cooperating with Disqus can post at any site with no hinderance.
Disqus also stedily more globally ban people that utter opinions or facts outside the mainstream agenda, or that utter something contary to the proffit interests of the investors.
By banning people across all websites which happens steadily more, they do not only block individuals for uttering their opinion, but also sensor what the website owners are allowed to have on their site, which is an equally important aim.
Disqus was finded by two young inventors, a certain Daniel Ha and a certain Jason Yan.
But the company was developed by investments from several global investors, and probably covernmental services, that seem to have taken all controle of the way the service is run.
The funders still officially run the compamny, but probably only as marionettes for the other interests.
Knut Holt
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