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Date Posted: 00:33:31 12/06/02 Fri
Author: Wynter
Subject: [][§]-Basket Of Young Ones-[§][]
-A basket lies in the snow,nearly covered,and tilted over on it's side.soft grunts,whines,moans,and yelps are heard as you approach.you look in and five young ones are seen.-
*A young wolf pup,female lays down,whining pitiously,eyes closed,as the snow kept falling in her eyes.*
*3 months*
*Artic Wolf*
*White Fur,blends with the snow.white eyes and a little pink nose.*
*Find out yourself how she acts.*
*Has A Minor Cold*
(Has no player)
+Lying next to the young wolfess lays a young cheetah cub.it growls,and kicks as it sleeps,its small paws pushing into the wolf's ribs.+
+Two Months+
+Orangish-brown fur.dark almond eyes.+
+Find out.+
(No Player)
--Laying under the young cheetah sleeps a runt lioness.--
--Tan fur.hazel eyes.--
--Find out--
(No player)
.Blind young pup whines,eyes not yet opened.he growls savagaely,though for no apparent reason.
.Alaskan Tundra Wolf.
.Right now he has dark brown fur,and his eyecolor is unknown.He will grow to have black fur and color changing eyes.
.Too young to tell.
.Freezing,starving,has a cold,likely to die unless help is given.
(Has a player)

[.Young One stumbles out of the basketball,no larger than a basketball.He falls face first,his two oversized fangs sticking in the freezing earth.he growls savagely,trying to rip himself free,though unable to do so.]
[.5 weeks.]
[.Sabertoothed tiger.]
[.Can't you find out?.]
(has no player)
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-she pads up- -- ShadowTammer, 13:56:44 12/06/02 Fri
-she over looks the lil creatures and purrs as she sees them all-
Awww....'Ello lil ones would ye like to come home with me?
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-Nears- -- Zieth, 10:15:02 12/07/02 Sat
°Brute near's the group of little one he looks to Shadow tammer, and askes May I have one of the wolf pups, and you could have the others? tail held to postion, as he awaits her answer.°
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-looks- -- ShadowTammer, 14:20:59 12/09/02 Mon
You may take all of the wolf pups if ye wish..for i know not ow raise a wolf....but if only one you still desire than i shall try to raise the others...
-she sits-
((Might ant to post in The TT..thanks))
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brute nods -- Zieth, 15:10:51 12/09/02 Mon
I'll take the wolf pups. he nods his thanks and pads back home with them.
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.|.Beware the Shadows.|. -- ShadowSlayer, 18:45:29 12/09/02 Mon
Mother, may I raise the lioness? .|.the brute licks the lioness gently.|.
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~Can YOU Tame The Shadows Within?~ -- ShadowTammer, 08:33:40 12/10/02 Tue
-she nods-
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~Can YOU Tame The Shadows Within?~ -- ShadowTammer, 11:00:09 12/11/02 Wed
-she picks up the rest o' the cubs and carries them home to 'er lands Midnight Glen-
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.|.picks up the lioness.|. -- Slayer, 17:12:28 12/11/02 Wed
>-she picks up the rest o' the cubs and carries them
>home to 'er lands Midnight Glen-
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(Zeith)>Which wolf did you take so I know if it is the one I play.. -- Wynter, 19:44:35 12/09/02 Mon
>-A basket lies in the snow,nearly covered,and tilted
>over on it's side.soft grunts,whines,moans,and yelps
>are heard as you approach.you look in and five young
>ones are seen.-
>*A young wolf pup,female lays
>down,whining pitiously,eyes closed,as the snow kept
>falling in her eyes.*
>*3 months*
>*Artic Wolf*
>*White Fur,blends with the snow.white eyes and a
>little pink nose.*
>*Find out yourself how she acts.*
>*Has A Minor Cold*
>(Has no player)
>+Lying next to the young wolfess
>lays a young cheetah cub.it growls,and kicks as it
>sleeps,its small paws pushing into the wolf's ribs.+
>+Two Months+
>+Orangish-brown fur.dark almond eyes.+
>+Find out.+
>(No Player)
>--Laying under the young cheetah
>sleeps a runt lioness.--
>--Tan fur.hazel eyes.--
>--Find out--
>(No player)
>.Blind young pup whines,eyes not yet opened.he growls
>savagaely,though for no apparent reason.
>.Alaskan Tundra Wolf.
>.Right now he has dark brown fur,and his eyecolor is
>unknown.He will grow to have black fur and color
>changing eyes.
>.Too young to tell.
>.Freezing,starving,has a cold,likely to die unless
>help is given.
>(Has a player)
>[.Young One stumbles out of the basketball,no larger
>than a basketball.He falls face first,his two
>oversized fangs sticking in the freezing earth.he
>growls savagely,trying to rip himself free,though
>unable to do so.]
>[.5 weeks.]
>[.Sabertoothed tiger.]
>[.Can't you find out?.]
>(has no player)