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{ . While walking around the town, shopping most likely, you come across a new building. it's walls are ivory and look brand new, without a single scratch upon the beautiful palace looking building. you enter and you see all animals large or petite, enemies or friends all playing, eating, and sleeping with each other in perfect peace. you see no cages, except for five in a corner but nothing occupies those cages as they are only for the sick, injured, or savage beasts. many windows allow the sunlight to stream in through the window, giving the building all the light it has except for a few chandeliers that hang upon the high ceiling. out a window in the back of the shop you see another perfectly white building about the same in size as the one you are in. the building is marked Stables. soon however after looking up from feeding and petting the animals a tall, slender female approaches you, jet strands hanging in his grey ooids. a smile graces her lips. her optics are fierce and sad. Salutations.. I'm Elseva. I welcome yew to Majestic. The creatures range from snakes, to leopards, to owls, to equines, all of which have royal ancestry.. her azure orcias search your own, as though reading your mood. you have the feeling that she is no ordinary mortal, nor are the animals that fill the building or stable. . }


.Apply For.
Co.Manager-Helps the manager out with taking care of all the bills, feeding, playing, and taking care of the animals
Vet-Make sure all animals are healthy and also work with emergencies
Feeding-Feed the animals twice a day
Play Pal-Play with all the pets to keep them happy
Rider-Ride the horses, unicorns, zebras, camels, ect

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