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Date Posted: 13:17:25 06/18/05 SatPDT
Author: Dennis Knight
Author Host/IP:
In reply to: dennis knight 's message, "Re: TOUR OF DUTY 1968-69 UDORN THAILAND" on 09:28:39 06/16/05 ThuPDT

>was stationed at udorn dec 68 to dec 69. dental tech
>at the 432 hospital. i assisted dr spinelli and the
>vetanarian on a root canal filling on one of the
>patrol dogs. his handler brought him to the dental
>clinic where the vet put him out and we put him on a
>table and perfomed the procedure. i don't know if that
>had ever been done before but they said he was such a
>great dog that they wanted to try to save the tooth,
>or he'd have to be put down. the handlers said he was
>the biggest dog at udorn at that time. got to visit
>the kennels shotly after that but didn't feel welcome.
>those dogs weren't the least bit freindly to
>strangers. got to meet alot of you guys at the
>airmens club. i was working as bar cashier on the
>midnight to 0700 shift 3 or 4 nights a week.
>discovered your sight while trying to get info on AOin
>thailand. have diabetes II and several other symptoms
>. just filed claim with va 3 days ago. last two
>months at udorn i started waking up in the mornings
>with large swollen itchy patches all over my body.
>doctors didn't know what was causing it. they just
>gave me benedryl to make it go away when ever it
>happened. i had to use these downers almost every day
>until about a month after retuning home. never have
>had reoccurance.

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[> [> [> Re: TOUR OF DUTY 1968-69 UDORN THAILAND -- robert larue (I was that dog handler. Sargent was the dog), 17:21:02 08/08/07 WedPDT (

>>was stationed at udorn dec 68 to dec 69. dental tech
>>at the 432 hospital. i assisted dr spinelli and the
>>vetanarian on a root canal filling on one of the
>>patrol dogs. his handler brought him to the dental
>>clinic where the vet put him out and we put him on a
>>table and perfomed the procedure. i don't know if that
>>had ever been done before but they said he was such a
>>great dog that they wanted to try to save the tooth,
>>or he'd have to be put down. the handlers said he was
>>the biggest dog at udorn at that time. got to visit
>>the kennels shotly after that but didn't feel welcome.
>>those dogs weren't the least bit freindly to
>>strangers. got to meet alot of you guys at the
>>airmens club. i was working as bar cashier on the
>>midnight to 0700 shift 3 or 4 nights a week.
>>discovered your sight while trying to get info on AOin
>>thailand. have diabetes II and several other symptoms
>>. just filed claim with va 3 days ago. last two
>>months at udorn i started waking up in the mornings
>>with large swollen itchy patches all over my body.
>>doctors didn't know what was causing it. they just
>>gave me benedryl to make it go away when ever it
>>happened. i had to use these downers almost every day
>>until about a month after retuning home. never have
>>had reoccurance.

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