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Subject: Re: please E-mail me if your interested!

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Date Posted: 22:04:13 08/25/02 Sun

Hey, you are free to E-mail me if yoy want to sign up. the things I need: your characters background.( I want to know about your character's background ) 2: your Diogimon's background, unless your character is a Digimon. 3: how well does your character know your Digimon? 4: Character description. and yes, you can cheat and use pictures! and please, I limit you to 4 characters.( I prefer 2, but no more than four. ) My characters are Adrian, Darkgatomon ( Darkgatomon is adrians Digimon ) Racheal and Catramon. I'll send a picture of each to those who sign up. the only thing I ask is that you do NOT steel my chaacters, I'll even make you one but PLEASE DON'T STEEL MINE!

6 simple the rules: 1: NO god MODDING! don't talk for anyone's character but you own. 2: You can't add anyone else's actions, for instance: Darkgatomon your character ) tried to slash Catramon across the arm, Catramon < thier charcter ) fell to the ground. 3: no sussing please! this is a cussing free message board. 4: type a message at least once a week please! 5: and last but not least...( this one is the easyest to obay and the most important one! ) HAVE
FUN!!! 6: NO LEMONS OR LIMES! I will allow romance but nothing gay or socially uneceptable! thank you!
Your RPG manager ~Rahceal~

and that should be all! thank you for your time! = P

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