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Date Posted: 12:36:44 07/14/03 Mon
Author: .:§.u.n.b.u.r.s.t:.
Subject: +Feel The Heat+

+golden hued femme strides in, spreading her scent over the area, hoping to find a steed with a herd for her to join+





((long or short))

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[> ..:The ghosts of the past, the past of a rebel:.. -- ..:Rebs:.., 12:33:34 07/17/03 Thu

..:Upon seeing the beautiful femme stallion cantered over. And nickered in greeting to her as he came nearer. He came closer to her and inhaled her scent, he had never met or seen her before. His sensitive auds flickered to check for the presence of a stallion of whom may have claimed her. Or a bachalor, of whom he would be willing to fight off. His flowing brown tail was flaged and his long and elegant neck was arched, these features made him appear full blooded arab.He backeded off alittle and bowed to her his sleek coco-brown coat glinted and his patch of blanket spot on his rump made him appear to be a pure blood apooloosa, though he was not, his mother was an arab and his father and apooloosa. His body was suple with muscle. after a few seconds he raised his head and said:..
Hello m'lady. I am the Stallion Known As Phantom Rebel, though throughout these lands Rebs has become my name, you are welcome to call me by either. ..:His intense brown eyes gazed upon her beauty asd he said again:.. May i ask of your name and whether you have a stallion and a home? ..: he shook his head to remove a piece of mane which has flopped into his eye when he was bowing. His arab neck streched still, his apooloosa fur still glinting in the sunlight as he awaited her reply:..

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[> [> READ THIS 1 NOT THAT 1 -- rebs, 12:34:50 07/17/03 Thu

..:Upon seeing the beautiful femme
stallion cantered over. And nickered in greeting to
her as he came nearer. He came closer to her and
inhaled her scent, he had never met or seen her
before. His sensitive auds flickered to check for the
presence of a stallion of whom may have claimed her.
Or a bachalor, of whom he would be willing to fight
off. His flowing brown tail was flaged and his long
and elegant neck was arched, these features made him
appear full blooded arab.He backeded off alittle and bowed to her his sleek coco-brown coat glinted and his
patch of blanket spot on his rump made him appear to
be a pure blood apooloosa, though he was not, his
mother was an arab and his father and apooloosa. His
body was suple with muscle. after a few seconds he
raised his head and said:..
Hello m'lady. I am the Stallion Known As Phantom
Rebel, though throughout these lands Rebs has become
my name, you are welcome to call me by either.

..:His intense brown eyes gazed upon her beauty asd he
said again:.. May i ask of your name and whether
you have a stallion and a home?
..: he shook his
head to remove a piece of mane which has flopped into
his eye when he was bowing. His arab neck streched
still, his apooloosa fur still glinting in the
sunlight as he awaited her reply:..

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