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Date Posted: 17:29:30 08/23/03 Sat
Author: .spirit.of.the.water.
Subject: .spirits live on.
In reply to:
's message, "§ Celtic Panther §" on 20:13:28 08/20/03 Wed
Blue smiles a bit at the slap on her shoulder. None had treated her that way for a bit. Well, that was due to the diminishing population most likely. but what could she do?
More dragons coming? That should prove interesting. But this vacation spot you speak of? it's really not that great, not when there ain't nobody to cheer ya up. Looks closely at the panther 'ness. Would she actually help? Well, to get help, you had to ask.
Would you like to help with the Lights? Like become, um, a co-ruler? Cringes slightly at the thought of rejection. But going half-way was never her style. A way out should be offered. I can understand if you don't wanna... Warmness in her cheeks proves a slight blush on her cheeks. It was just an idea... Voice trails off, and the blue 'ness looks at the other, slightly nervous.
((mixing two languages? naughty naughty. considering i do it all the time...anywayz. Sorry i didn't get to this earlier. the parents. Prattle rattle. I'm not that great with all that welcoming stuff, and i have limited time now. I'll get it ta ya tommora. And the bg junk...i actually don't care, watever you decide looks good.))
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Celtic Panther -- Renegade, 07:39:30 08/24/03 Sun [1]
A look of puzzlement is formed almost instantly on her face. The expression is followed almost instantly by one of thought. Co-ruler? A sort of double queen monarchy insted of a queen/king thing. Sure it never had been tried before. Why not?
Why not indeed, she could think of a million and one reasons why not but none of them compared with the why shoulds. I'd be honored Spirit.
((ooc:Da says i'm grounded, no clue why. Any way, I dont know when I'll be able to get back on. TTFN))
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.spirits live on. -- .spirit.of.the.water., 17:11:49 08/26/03 Tue [1]
Hope races through the blue 'ness' body. Reads the puzzlement, and understands it surely. Certain the other will refuse, the blue was not expected for the agreement on which the other had said. Elation sweeps through her body, 'the lights would not fail' being foremost thought.
Realizes the other might want a reply to the acceptance. But the blue could not think properly yet. Settles for really? great. thanks. Smiles.
(ouch, grounded. i'm pretty much grounded cause of school. nothin like taking all honors...)
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±Celtic Panther ± -- Renegade, 09:57:53 08/29/03 Fri [1]
(Yuk, all honors? That's gotta be fun.)
I should be thanking you. So, partner, how are we gonna build a monarchy out of this? Any idea what to use for titles? We can't very well be calld Queens unless we're two different kinds. Panther sits back on her haunches, a look of though on her face. Any ideas?
(What do ya think? Should we do like a Queen 1 and queen 2 or like Spirit, the Queen of the Water and Spring Renegade the clerical Queen or something? I'll change the board but I'm not sure what to do with the positions chart and introduction. :) Oh, and I wont be on sunday, but I'll be here saterday morning and all day monday.)
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.spirits live on. -- .spirit.of.the.water., 08:43:41 09/01/03 Mon [1]
The panther'ed had a point. What were the names to be? Not sure she curls up. And thinks. Thinking's hard. I might blow up a brain cell, she whispers.
(i dunno. Maybe Co-Queen for both of us. People are odd. ~refers to the strange little thing in the royals~ my e-mail is sugaredspiced@netscape.net )
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