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Date Posted: 16:16:02 09/26/03 Fri
Author: Kijalos
Subject: ]=skies=[
In reply to:
's message, "~#_Dark vs Light_#~" on 21:56:21 09/25/03 Thu
]=she grins, a laugh lost to the wind roaring in her ears. stretching her neck, the femme attempts to elongate her slim form and make herself more streamlined. the ground rushes up at her, but her eyes are focused on the male before her. another reckless laugh and the femme inches a bit closer, the ground no threat the this mistress of the skies=[
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~#_Dark vs Light_#~ -- Magie, 12:25:35 09/27/03 Sat [1]
.he smirks, tossing a glance towards her, then back towards the ground. .he would give her a run for her money, for sure. .he pushes a wing out slightly, pushing it against her.
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]=skies=[ -- Kijalos, 17:00:17 09/27/03 Sat [1]
]=she grins and pokes him back, eyes narrowed on the ground below. gauging by their approximate distance and the speed at which she guessed she was going, some rudimentary knowledge told her that they would be at ground level in a few seconds. another quick calculation, and the femme smiles grimly. another couple seconds and pulling up would not be an option. she directs her crystalline gaze to the male for a moment, then back to the ground. fighting skills kicked in and she would not surrender. tucking her wings to her body and and curling her head and neck to her chest, the femina forms an armored ball of scales and teeth, her stomach and legs protected. and then, impact. slamming into the ground with full force of gravity, the fae grits her teeth and manages to not screech. she lands, bouces a bit, then slides a few hundred yards and comes to a halt=[
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~#_Dark vs Light_#~ -- Magie, 23:03:54 09/27/03 Sat [1]
.brute glances at her, but as she hit the ground hard, he spread his wings and threw his weight into his hind quarters. .shooting out along the ground at a 90 degree angle, belly scrapping the tips of the short grass. .he lifts a few yards and extends his legs before lowering himself to the ground beside her. .muzzle is extended to nudge her curled form, wondering what she'd done such a rash thing for.
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]=skies=[ -- Kijalos, 10:05:10 09/28/03 Sun [1]
]=the femme groans, wingtips stirring stiffly. her muffled voice is heard from under the cover of her tail, quiet and winded=[ Ouch. ]=among more groaning and stretching, the femina spreads her wings, lifts her head and smiles=[ Persai always did say I was a drama queen. ]=Persai? how did she remember him? old clan, old memories, bad fall. ouch. deciding that standing would be a bad idea, the fae lays on the ground, staring up at the male with a grin=[ Show off.
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~#_Dark vs Light_#~ -- Magie, 15:13:17 09/28/03 Sun [1]
.he smirks at seeing she was alright. that you are... you ok though?
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]=skies=[ ((ooc: sorry again for my inactiveness.... with the hacking and such, it's a pain)) -- Kijalos, 11:46:11 10/06/03 Mon [1]
]=she nods slowly, doing a mental check of herself. wings? fine. legs? fine, though sore. back? ouch, but she would survive. tail? tail? fine. phew. neck? a little cramped, but otherwise good. alright, overall, the pearl was fine. a crooked grin and she attempts to stand. shaky, her limbs protesting, but she was up. she takes a look around, cringing as she spots her impact point and the bare strip of land that marked her passage. a divet in the terra and a thick band of dark brown earth that ended where she now stood were the evidence of her fall. her once silver scales are caked with dirt, their bright luster tarnished. sighing, she begins to brush herself off=[
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~#_Dark vs Light_#~ -- Magie, 20:16:44 10/09/03 Thu [1]
.he smiles and nudges her ever so softly. come'on, i know a faster way to get that off .he nods in the direction of a small*for dragons* lake he knew of.
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]=skies=[ -- Kijalos, 19:01:25 10/10/03 Fri [1]
]=she smiles and looks in that general direction. water? there was a lake around here? wonderful...=[ Lead the way.
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~#_Dark vs Light_#~ -- Magie, 18:41:24 10/11/03 Sat [1]
.he smiles and leads her towards a thick grove of forest, pushing a section of massive furns aside so she could get through, inside was a massive lake, just large enough for a few dragons to fit comfotably.
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]=skies=[ -- Kijalos, 09:39:45 10/13/03 Mon [1]
]=she smiles and follows, walking through the parted ferns. stopping in surprise, she looks over at the vast expanse of water=[ How could I have missed this? I fly above this terra everyday... ]=she shrugs, realizing that not everything came at face value. she walks forward and steps gingerly into the water, pleased to find that it was cool enough to be refreshing, warm enough to be comfortable. wading farther in, the dirt dissolves off of her silven scales, grime melting away to reveal her glowing hide. a sigh escapes her lips and she swims out, stopping to float on her back=[
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~#_Dark vs Light_#~ -- Magie, 20:42:07 10/13/03 Mon [1]
.he smirks and sits at the waters edge. the trees hide it from view .he nods towards the simi thick looking cover, just thin enough to alow light threw.
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]=skies=[ -- Kijalos, 19:08:52 10/14/03 Tue [1]
I'm older than I thought. ]=she smiles, a bit disappointed in her eyes. not as sharp as they used to be, apparently=[
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~# Dark vs Light #~ -- Magie, 20:13:05 10/14/03 Tue [1]
(my compy just erased all ma subjects*whines*)
.he smirks. your only as old as you think you are .he dips a black pearled paw into the warmish water, watching it drip off his daggers.
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]=skies=[ -- Kijalos, 16:27:57 10/15/03 Wed [1]
]=she winces, growling audibly=[ In that case, I'm ancient. ]=she smiles and submerges her silvery form in the cool waters, a cloud in a watery sky. rising, she spits a stream of water at the male, grinning impishly=[
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~#_Dark vs Light_#~ -- Magie, 19:47:08 10/15/03 Wed [1]
he chuckles as the water hits the side of his jaw, lowering a paw to flick a bit of water back at her.
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]=skies=[ -- Kijalos, 17:11:20 10/16/03 Thu [1]
]=she grins, only her eyes visible above the water. clear orbs blink, metallic scales reflecting sun and ripples on the water. dodging his splash, she flicks a few droplets at him, utilizing the broad fan at the end of her slender tail=[
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~#_Dark vs Light_#~ -- Magie, 22:16:04 10/16/03 Thu [1]
.he smirks and ducks, water splashing over his back and wings. .he smirks and sudenly leaps into the water, sending a large 'ripple' over her.
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]=skies=[ -- Kijalos, 12:00:19 10/18/03 Sat [1]
]=the femme laughs, musical tones quiet. slipping again beneath the water, she rides the male's wave farther out into the lake. resting in the middle, she drops below to explore=[
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