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Date Posted: 21:31:02 11/06/03 Thu
Author: Loo
Attention EVERYONE!
This is Loo speaking and I need the rulers of the Light/Dark/Immortal dragons to contact me ASAP at Leglisson@aol.com regarding your rule. I’m giving you till the 12th to contact me, but if I don’t hear from you before that date your leadership will be given to someone else.
If, for some reason, the rulers are out of town or unable to get to the computer for a GOOD reason in which you know about, contact me as well and let me know. I get a lot of junk mail so make sure you put in the e-mail subject something like, “CM” so I’ll catch it. Thank you and remember we have a new site: www.Cascade-Mountains.com please reset your favorites! I’m working on the c-m.com dragon pages as we speak, so bare with me.
A few more parting shots for you guys, if you’re reading this and PLAY a dragon from either of those sides please fill out the below form and reply to this message! I need to know how active this section is so I can get a better understanding of where we stand.
Your name:
Your Screen name:
E-mail address:
How many characters you play in the sections (light/dark/immortal):
Names of the character(s) and where they live:
Rank they hold at that Territory, if any:
How active you are (on a scale of 1-10 (ten being VERY active):
Suggestions you have for the dragons (keep it small, please):
I know this is kinda a brutal cut and everything but I’m trying to fix what I can. Please bare with us a little longer while we sort the mess! I’m checking back here so PLEASE reply with the information I requested. Thank you ^.~
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.-God Told Me To Skin You Alive-. -- Heather, 22:47:51 11/08/03 Sat [1]
Your name: Heather Feather
Your Screen name: chaos lil fury
E-mail address: total_chaos_hure@netzero.com
How many characters you play in the sections (light/dark/immortal): ummm.... 3 light one dark
Names of the character(s) and where they live: buckcherry, Magie, mists of avalon *here* Bittersweet *dark tt owner*
Rank they hold at that Territory, if any: BC-queen/leader
mist-second in comand
Magie-none(cherrys son)
How active you are (on a scale of 1-10 (ten being VERY active): wish i was still at 10*tear* ummm i'd say 7-8 on an average
Suggestions you have for the dragons (keep it small, please):
SAVE US!!!!!!!!! i fear we may need to just smash all the sides into one for a while.... toss some of the empty tt's like Bittersweets and just force the lights and darks to deal with eachother
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Oh, He did, did He? -- Loo, 02:32:34 11/11/03 Tue [1]
Heather! You can keep your TT because by some saving grace you posted ^.~ Now, you're pack needs to get active, darling! I lurbs ya to much to take your TT down so work HARD! haha, my excuse is someone posted and that's all someone had to do ^___^ NOW! I DEMAND you make it active ~.^! Alright...*adds your TT to the 'Cleared' list*
*skips to the Loo*
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.He Did. -- Heather, 20:37:11 11/13/03 Thu [1]
ok, i only gots like 3 active ones but i'll grt um active promises
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*blows nose**has a cold* -- Loo, 19:15:39 11/14/03 Fri [1]
Okay ^_^ It can stay
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