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Date Posted: 20:50:32 11/29/03 Sat
Author: |-.n.ome.s.-|
Subject: |-.b.lue tears fal.l.-|
In reply to:
's message, ".King for a Day." on 12:34:39 11/29/03 Sat
|-.h.e had been watching his former mate so intently that he heard nothing of Mag'ie's approach until the growl. he jumped, sapphire talons digging into the green earth and wings spreading in alarm as his mind told him to fight or flee. he relaxed slightly when he saw who it was, but he was shocked at the change in the one he had left as a hatchling. Mag'ie, not fully grown, did not recognize him, and he doubted Buckcherry would eithe.r.-|
|-.M.ag'ie? it is i, Nomes. don't you recognize me? you wouldn't though, it has been so long. the question is, would your mother.?.-|
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.double t. (typo) -- .chatt., 20:51:47 11/29/03 Sat [1]
that was supposed to say, "Mag'ie, now fully grown,..." not "Mag'ie, not fully grown,..." oops. lol.
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.King for a Day. -- Mag'ie, 16:00:05 11/30/03 Sun [1]
(no worrys)
.the black brute stops, posture loosening as he relized who it was. body becoming much more relaxed as he nods. deep voice rumbles forth, one that would surely send shivers down the young 'ness spines had there been any around. she's not here right now.....she should be back tomarow..... she remembers everything .he sits, muscles beneath his scails ripling.
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^^^ -- nomes, 15:42:32 12/06/03 Sat [1]
((still grounded. sry for shortness.))
Thank you, Mag'ie. I will wait.
He found the depression where his adopted Gin-Etsu, who had also disappeared, had been born, where he had asked Buckcherry to be his mate, where he had left her, and fell into a sound sleep.
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