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Subject: Class Of 1955 Jeff Davis High School, Hazlehurst,Ga.

Wanda /Bradley/ Starling
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Date Posted: Saturday, June 21, 07:14:02pm

The Jacketeer


Senior Officers:
President> Duke Campbell
Vice President> Maxie Jo Mimbs
Secretary> Zan Joyce
Treasurer> Vermelle Pierce

James Clinton Bloodworth
Peggy Bohannon
Fred Brooks Carter (Tex)
Duke Thomas Campbell (Duke)
Oliver Perry Bradley (Bubba)
Athell Buford (Boo)
Mattie Ruth Cravey (Dutch)
Joel Carver
Jo Ann Crawford (JO)
Richard Chavis (Rich)
Roger Clance
Benjamin Clements (Ben)
Evelyn Davis (sister)
Billy Dupree (Pete)
Guinned Davis
Donnie Lee Hall
Bonnie Ann Harrell
Etta Mae Faulk
Joyce Hand (Tokey)
James Edward Googe (Pincher)
Carolyn Graham
Melvin Gay
Sue Phillips "Hughes" (Susie)
Betty Hutto (Bet)
Roger Standly Hester (Curly)
Geraldine Herndon
Jerry Hurley
Clarence Hester (Bull)
Larry Wayne King
Reginald Bruce Hand
Guinelle Jones (Gwen)
Patsy Jacobs (Pat)
Zan Karen JOyce (Baby)
Beulah Jump
Lewis Johnson (Mickey)
Norman Johnson
June Madlyn Johnson (Bug)
Carolyn Johnson (Curdey Bo Jo Ho)
Bobby Kirkland
Cornelius Kerns (Junior)
Billy Lambert (Bud)
R.W. Kerns
Curtis Wayne Leggett (Curt)
Glenda Jean Leggett
Jean Laird (Bean)
Ruben Livingston
Mary Jane Mills (Janie)
Mary Miller
Maxie Jo Mimbs (Mac)
Margaret Merritt (Mag)
Gladys Anne Martin (Martini)
Marie Lynn
Carol Eileen Mercer (Carol)
Willie Pearl Long (Kitty)
Royce Cecil Marris (Hoss)
James McLoon (Flame)
Bessie Lee Pickren (Bess)
Zell Moody
Kay Morris
Homer Partin
Maurine Vermelle Pierce (Worm)
W.L. Morris
Grady Oliver McEachin
Mary Lou Walls
Peggy Joyce Yawn (Peg)
Shirley Williams
Louise Underwood (Lou)
Tollis Wright
Virgina Underwood (Jenny)
Wayne Ussery
Herman Lee Shuman
Betty Rowland (Bet)
Hal Eugene Sain
Braxton Simmons
Leonard Norman Rish
Geneva Sanders (Genny)
Frances Rentz (Poodink)
Wayne Maddison Reagin (Skeeter)
Ella Vee Reagin (Vee Bee)
Janice Quinn (Jan)
Martha Sue Quarterman (Mot)
Atris Ray, JR.
Jaunelle Pritchett (Corkie)
Rebecca Ray (Becky)
Samuel Hughes Ray (Sammy Bo Ray)
Claudette Powell (Caudie)
Edwin Thurston Towns
Aldene Spires (
George Nelle Tapley (Genelle)
Danny Stewart
Michel Ferris Thomas
Betty Jean Spires (Bett)
Jacquelin Ann Thomas (Jackie)
Eugene Turner (Gene)
Donny Eston Rentz
Donald Wooten

Mascots: Jean Currie & Jerry Walker

note: I have the 1955 year book if anyone needs me to look up someone. Wanda /Bradley/ Starling

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