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Date Posted: Wednesday, August 28, 06:52:39am
Author: Jim
Subject: Are UFOs a sign of alien life? (Part 2)

This is a copy from "BBC Talking Point"

Are UFOs a sign of alien life? Your reaction...

It amazes me how we in our "scientific" era will
gladly deny the existence of things without
proper scientific inquiry, simply because their
existence would refute the fragile paradigms
with which we live. Scientists who refuse to
study this phenomenon because it contradicts
their understanding do not deserve to be called
scientists. Those people who suggest that
UFOs are only seen by country bumpkins and
rednecks in Alabama are obviously ignorant
themselves, since a great many of the reported
UFO sightings come from pilots, both
commercial and military (see Rob Lilly's
message), as well as from police officers,
clergy, military intelligence officers etc. In fact,
three of five former US Presidents admit to
having seen UFOs. As did Senator Barry
Goldwater - these are not exactly toothless
hillbillies. If you have read Dr Hynek's book, it is
clear that the US Military, through Project Blue
Book, reported only those sightings by
unreliable witnesses that were easy to ridicule,
but covered up more reliable sightings by
trusted and respected witnesses, including
members of the US Air Force. For those who
say there is no photographic evidence - you
need to view the hours of videotape taken over
Mexico City at the time of the last solar eclipse,
when hundreds of thousands of people viewed
and filmed multiple UFO sightings. It is said
that, as a result, something around half of the
people in Mexico have either seen a UFO or
know someone who has. That is far too many
people to dismiss casually. Healthy skepticism
is a good thing, but willful ignorance is a curse
of our species.
Mark L, USA

People don't want to believe that this is all there
is. This belief in UFOs comes from the same
human longing to not be alone as some
people's belief in GOD.
John Shaw, USA

Call me a sceptical person, but until one parks
itself in a major city or populated area, until
absolute proof is obtained beyond photographs
or second hand "eyewitness" accounts, I tend to
believe that UFO's are more likely of Earthly
origin and of explainable (and far less exotic)
human origin than of alien origin.
S. Kenney, USA

UFOs are tracked on radar, confirmed on
Infra-Red, seen by multiple witnesses of high
calibre, change - and on occasions activate -
the launch codes of nuclear missile silos... All of
this is well documented and proven 100%. See
what happened in Iran 1976, for example (in the
released Defence Intelligence Agency
documents - which were previously denied as
existing!). Against this background, you can no
longer say there's any doubt as to their reality.
Before anybody talks about the bungled 'Project
Blue Book', I suggest you get the newly
re-released edition of 'The Hyneck UFO
Report', by Dr J. Allen Hyneck, which shows
exactly how, where and why Blue Book was
completely unscientific and little more than a
Public Relations exercise.
Eric Adams, UK

Hearsay, photographs (blurred or potentially
doctored) and rumours do not constitute proof. I
could accept that intelligent life exists
elsewhere in the universe, but as yet there is no
plausible explanation as to how (or even why)
they would visit us. This does not rule out the
possibility completely, of course, but just
because we can't completely disprove
something doesn't mean that it must be true!
Brian Ritchie, UK

If UFOs are sign of alien life, why would they
conduct themselves in such a clandestine
manner? No, UFOs are used by governments
as a cunning source of misinformation.
Julian Enticknap, UK

I need solid verifiable evidence from reliable
sources before I accept any of these claims,
and so far such evidence seems suspiciously
absent. We as a species habitually make false
and insane claims as a result of error,
ignorance, the search for profit and for fame.
Why should I accept that we are being visited
any more than I should believe in the infallability
of the Pope, that Elvis is alive, that a soap
powder is the best on the market or that walking
under a ladder is bad luck? Extraordinary
claims require extraordinary proof. The
processes adopted by the legal and scientific
communities are not designed to obstruct but to
provide us with the tools to distinguish fact from
fantasy and falsehood, or admit that we just
don't know. UFOs are undoubtedly seen. They
might be ball lightning, meteors, aliens, angels
or swamp gas but we have to distinguish the
possible from the probable. When I see live
pictures of a UN envoy beaming aboard the
mother ship, I will believe. Until then, they
remain lights in the sky and blips on the radar.
Flying objects that cannot be identified.
Paul Sidnell, UK

I think that most UFO-sightings (perhaps around
80-90%) are misidentifications of aircraft and
other conventional phenomenon. However,
there remains a body of cases which have
single or multiple witnesses describing craft or
lights performing flight characteristics which do
not appear to be governed by accepted physics
(example: right-angle or more turns in mid-flight,
made famous by the footage from Shuttle
Mission STS-48 but have actually been
reported here on Earth since the early fifties,
and are included in the Project Blue Book
Furthermore, strange objects and weird
meteors in the sky have been reported by every
civilisation since the dawn of Human existence.
The phenomenon exists.
Christian de Coninck Lucas, Denmark

UFOs are exactly what they say they are:
'Unidentified' Flying Objects. To be proof of
alien life we would have to KNOW what they
are, in which case they would consequently be
'IDENTIFIED' Flying Objects. An unexplained
phenomenon can NEVER be proof of anything
else than its own 'unexplained' existence.
Kees Beerepoot, The Netherlands

Throughout the 50's and 60's the US and the
UK researched nuclear powered planes. Better
to call them UFO's than mobile time bombs?
They have active submarines 24 hours a day,
why not active planes?
John Everitt, UK

I think most UFO sightings are hoaxes or
simple mistakes. However to think we are alone
in the universe is ridiculous self importance,
considering the number of stars out there...
Laurie Knight, England

In 1969, the USAF-funded "Condon Report"
was published. The report recommended that
UFO study be discontinued since there could
be no scientific value in continuing with it. At
least, this was the conclusion of the report's
editor, Edward U Condon. But he made almost
no use of the studies in the body of the report,
whose authors (professional scientists) came to
directly opposing conclusions. Not only were
UFOs worthy of study, but 18 months' scientific
examination of UFO reports resulted in
conclusions that real, intelligently-controlled
craft were involved, of unknown origin and with
operational parameters outside of current
known technology. But Condon's "Summary
and Conclusions" was what everyone read and
the only part of the report referred to by this new
"panel" of scientists.
I don't pretend to know whether UFOs are alien
visitors, or time travellers, or significantly new
natural phenomena, but I wonder again at the
ability of people who have made no real study
of the subject (the new panel apparently studied
ufologists rather than UFOs!) to make dogmatic
pronouncements about it.
Don Mills, New Zealand

Given there are 10 to 11 galaxies like ours,
each of which have 10 to 11 stars in them, and
that our solar system is young by comparison to
the age of the universe there have to be other
life forms, and there is good reason to expect
some of them to be more advanced than ours.
Scott, UK

How many billion stars are there? How many
trillion planets orbiting these stars? Surely we
can't be the only life form? There is more
"evidence" of extra terrestrial life than for many
of the things we believe in. Can we prove there
is/was a God? Do we therefore doubt his
existence? Major religions rely on faith, not
proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I want to
believe... I want to believe...
Garry Rayner, UK

I have often wondered why a spiritual
interpretation has never been regarded as
acceptable in the mainstream view of this
phenomenon. I believe this is where we will find
the answers to the UFO subject and of life
outside of the human existence.
Wallace Tait, Canada

That lights in the sky and crop circles are signs
of alien visitation are extraordinary claims, but
where is the extraordinary evidence in favour of
this interpretation? There isn't any. That's why I
say "No, UFOs are not aliens". However, as the
US study found, there are a lot of interesting
non-alien things going on that are worth
Sean Ellis, UK

We cannot possibly be the only beings in the
solar system. It is about time that someone took
the lead and investigated these
sightings/stories. The Military should open the
files that they have for all to see.
Steve, England

The universe has no beginning, and I think has
no ending... I suppose there are a lot of
civilisations out there in different stages of
evolution. I believe some advanced people can
travel faster than light and visit some planetary
systems to study other civilisations as a way to
understand their own history.
Diogenes Braga, Brazil

It could be very naive to believe that we are the
only masters of the vast universe! I think there is
another dimension of knowledge we have to
consider looking at.
Aol, Canada

Really amazing the number of folks going to
church the weekend - and debating UFOs the
rest of the week! Which is it, God or science?
Biblical teaching claims God made the Earth,
created Man, who fell through disobedience,
and was redeemed by the life and death of
Christ. Did other worlds fall also, causing them
to wait for the second coming of Christ, and to
occupy their time with space travel and such?
OR, is there really no God, and only random
evolution is reality? Does a God powerful
enough to create a universe, or his angels,
need a spaceship for travel? Would sinless,
unfallen beings want or need to get a closer
look at us? God or science, you can't cling to
the hope and comfort of an afterlife through
Christ on Sunday, and then scan the skies for a
flying saucer the rest of the week - which will it
Gary, USA

I have no idea about UFOs so far because I've
never seen one. But it is obvious if we think
logically that intelligent ET life exists
somewhere. If we can live on Earth, why can't
others live in the entire universe?
I do also believe that supercivilisations will
probably have no logical reason to encounter
and disturb poor ones. So whatever the case
for an alien visit it will not make sense in the
near future, at least.
Od, Mongolia

Your question kind of supposes that the
existence of UFOs has been definitely proved.
Until someone can show definite proof for their
existence, all we can definitely say is that
human beings have an extraordinary
imagination. It seems to me, that as religion is
declining in popularity, the human imagination
is finding something else to focus on instead.
Paul Stancer, Hong Kong

UFOs are very real and hopefully in my lifetime
we will find out if there is something else out
Riaz Noor, USA

A UFO is an UNIDENTIFIED flying object.
There is no doubt that many UFOs have been
sighted over the years. However there is no
evidence that "unidentified" means "alien,"
unless one wants to take the word of the legion
of alleged contactees who themselves suggest
that the major alien preoccupation lies beneath
human underwear.
Therion Ware, Malaysia

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