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Diablo Isle
‡Welcome, Stranger‡

As the tides rise and recede, so do dragons live and die.
Yet another leader of the dark isle has passed, left in search of eternal freedom. Another has been left in the shadows of the last. A youth built of shadows and deep sapphire. The dragon faces you, optics of sapphire alive with the enegies of a you dragon. His energetic gaze flashes to the see and he sirks, repeating the words of those befoe him, "Be glad of your wings."

Alpha Dragoness: Arachnea

Beta Dragoness: Lucifa
Beta Dragon:

Gamma Dragoness:
Gamma Dragon:

Delta Dragoness:
Delta Dragon:

Sigma Dragoness:
Sigma Dragon:

Positions and mates are NOT linked.
Positions may be changed or taken away without notice.
Omega Dragons:
Omega Dragonesses:
Tzipora [female] - unadopted
Artemi [female] - adopted by Noki and Blue
Fiona [female] - adopted by Black Jewel
Kris has quit Shadows and Arachnea is now the new leader of Diablo Isle. Due to the new leadership, the TT is in the process of being re-done.
Jagged Peaks has been deleted due to MAJOR inactivity.
As summer ends, the temperature drops off a bit. Days now languish in the mid to high 70s, and at night it is almost chilly in the 60s. Fall approaches and most game will soon begin hibernation or migration. It is suggested that you eat your fill now. The winter ahead bodes cold even on our island. You have been warned.

Evil Toe's Private Lair
Trajedi & Lucifa's Private Lair
Fatal Beauty & Blue Midnight's Private Lair
Black Jewel's Private Lair
Your fear is your ruin.

Subject Author Date
How To Download Youtube Videos Through Proxy Serverpropreey13:30:35 01/26/14 Sun
.the fire stings an open wound.firey sting18:43:11 01/25/03 Sat
|=|The Strong & Fearless|=|Tyrael17:18:47 01/21/03 Tue
I know this Territory is now under rule of Tyrael..Is there going to be a new Board made or what? (NT)P. Sarah20:43:06 01/20/03 Mon
:..:skies will rain fire:..::..:reign of fire:..:15:58:27 01/16/03 Thu
The Famine Strikes [ATT: all]Game Dragon10:50:02 01/17/03 Fri
A unearthly shrieak erupted from the mouth of the azure beast as he circled the territory.Azriel15:13:04 01/10/03 Fri
Hello, and goodbyeKris20:35:37 12/22/02 Sun
*Cerulean Devil*Lucifa19:38:33 12/06/02 Fri
~Re-enters quietly.~Jewel15:10:02 11/27/02 Wed
~*Only the good die young, I plan to live forever*~Monessa14:09:46 11/30/02 Sat
:-:Venemous Bite:-:Arachnea10:53:21 11/08/02 Fri
FYIKris20:31:46 11/21/02 Thu
...Shadowed Play, Shadowed hate, Shadowed Kill...Shadows17:27:18 10/19/02 Sat
¤.flight.¤Artemi14:00:56 11/10/02 Sun
Sorry everyone...Courtney and Thor15:39:34 11/06/02 Wed
+Yawn+Artemi12:27:18 10/12/02 Sat
.the holy dark.Thor08:31:16 10/27/02 Sun
~Appears.~Jewel & Player12:16:20 10/18/02 Fri
The ghostlike silver dracling conversed quietly with herself. (NT)Tzipora14:36:04 10/15/02 Tue
Activeness check. Reply within a week. (NT)Courtney07:35:21 08/27/02 Tue
Uhh...Lucifa will be gone for a day or two....Tanya10:47:15 10/09/02 Wed
:-:Venomous Bite:-:Arachnea21:26:20 10/06/02 Sun
  • [Well...] -- Courtney, 17:49:46 10/07/02 Mon
The crimson poised on a rock overlooking his terrain.Thanatos12:24:06 10/04/02 Fri
The silver hatchling danced upon the surf, her feet skimming the dark water. (NT)Tzipora15:50:05 09/30/02 Mon
•satisfied•Thanatos07:02:38 08/27/02 Tue

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