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Subject: Nooooooooooooo!

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Date Posted: 21:07:33 12/26/02 Thu
In reply to: Chrissy/Arachnea 's message, "I'll take the TT Kris. I think you already gave me the passy. Talk to you later." on 14:20:52 12/23/02 Mon

I am so sorry. So sorry. I feel like I'm deserting you, which I am, but I don't want to think of it like that. Anyway, straight to the point, I really don't have time to play Lucifa anymore. Gawd I'm going to miss her. I've been playing her for like a year and six months....we've been through a lot. But anyway, I was living with my two friends but I'm moving around so much, and traveling so much, that it's hard to keep up with my deviless. I tried to get my friend L, to play her, but she hardly has time to play her characters, but she does all the same. She's a bit more dedicated then I can be at the moment, and I really wished I could. I'm going to miss Cm so much. But Lucifa will be back. I swear. I could never really send her to the character grave yard. Actually her and Trajedi might return someday, but until that day, I have to go. If anyone else ever reads this, I've appreciated the intelligence and brilliance of the scenerios and stuff we've all concocted over this time. I'll miss you all. Especially you Chrissy, if you're the same Chrissy who plays Silken Web and billions of other characters! Lol! Its tanya, if ya remember. Laynex? I just go by Baby, cuz that's my nickname, and there's another Tanya who's mor wellknown around Cm. But to get this to an end, cuz have to get to the airport for flight, thanx for the good times, keep doin what you do best, and all my love. Lucifa will never die. BYE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Tanya~ i hate goodbye....

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Bye, bye Tanya!!!! We'll miss you!!! (NT)Chrissy (yes, it's the same Chrissy that plays Silken Web)13:49:08 12/27/02 Fri
  • Bye! -- Jewel's Player, Caitlin, 16:35:21 01/01/03 Wed

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