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Ears & Tails
Join Us!
Welcome to the Domian were anything is posible!If someone told you that you can turn back...Someone lied...

To join read the rules then post the following...{*=optional}
Name:(the name of your wolf)
age:{Try to keep it around 2-5}
*eye color:

Welcome to Ears and Tails...A realistic wolf rpg.For Begginers to advanced.

me and Qwen are deleating all the old post,except for the frist owners wolves, so if you plan on staying i ask that you re-join. thank you.

Sorry people but all messages go into Arcives,Natalie messed it up and Im having trouble fixing it,Im trying!~Gwen
Ears and Tails

Subject Author Date
Pokemon Heart Gold Cheat Dat Downloadwelpepp21:29:48 01/21/14 Tue
. purest of stone .|. Emerald .| |. Kiche .| |. White Fang .| & |. Saphire .|15:25:22 01/11/03 Sat
New FemaleRuby15:34:25 02/21/03 Fri
the new femme lays under a tree, waiting.Timeless21:12:49 02/20/03 Thu
|. the Hamster dance! .|Crazy & Hamster20:14:58 02/12/03 Wed
+++heaven is her destiny+++angel eyes04:07:40 02/11/03 Tue
  • passcode -- angel eyes, 03:59:58 02/12/03 Wed
SedationSeductress20:02:37 02/10/03 Mon
+++heaven is her destiny+++angel eyes04:06:54 02/11/03 Tue
SedationSeductress19:59:31 02/10/03 Mon
|.| dont piss me off |.|Killer14:33:22 02/10/03 Mon
|.| Can.you.knock.me.over.?. ** |. the calm ocean.|Domino, wave, Dise13:46:20 02/01/03 Sat
//~*Can.you.run.as.fast.as.Sk8?Sk813:22:20 02/02/03 Sun
Shadows CrawlDice18:21:38 01/31/03 Fri
Joining in the rpgTaylor13:34:47 01/30/03 Thu
New FemmeBombalurina10:43:59 01/29/03 Wed
...:silent she-wolf enters:...Midnight Frost14:58:23 01/25/03 Sat
~*~Roses are pretty, but Thorns are Sharp~*~Celtic Rose, Irish Thorn, and pack06:46:37 01/19/03 Sun
.+.The Key.+.Sora15:17:54 01/19/03 Sun
noons laughing now.....Solar Storm, the other nine planets, and Joker19:08:53 01/16/03 Thu
i have a complaint about saturns rings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!angry playerz19:05:36 01/15/03 Wed
enters with ttflaring flames04:04:54 01/15/03 Wed
New femmeSage09:06:52 01/16/03 Thu
new femme and pupsCelest Burnie and Sassy09:25:07 01/16/03 Thu
New femme and pupFirefly and swirls09:18:55 01/16/03 Thu
.::~*Dreamz will tell the future,past, and present.*~::.Dreamz15:01:16 01/15/03 Wed
.+.Bitter Darkness.+.Bitter Hatred12:37:41 01/13/03 Mon
enters with ttleo09:24:55 01/14/03 Tue
Black,all aroundNightBlack22:46:47 01/13/03 Mon
ReJOining..grr..I have a pack that i live at..Rain Drop & Eagle Wings20:30:14 01/13/03 Mon
Disasters are up! (NT)Natalie16:04:42 01/13/03 Mon
new malecole09:05:23 01/13/03 Mon
femme with ttmia04:06:54 01/13/03 Mon
OWNER {GROWL} READ NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{GRRRR}Amoro15:46:29 01/10/03 Fri
  • Ok Ok ok -- Gwen, 04:41:22 01/11/03 Sat
~*~~Ancient Shores~~*~Saturns Rings07:40:34 01/10/03 Fri
~Crawling Beauty~Mercy13:13:20 01/08/03 Wed
JoiningJosh13:36:20 01/09/03 Thu
newStorm, FireRain, One Eye17:02:38 01/04/03 Sat
new femme entersluna04:10:18 01/07/03 Tue
.fear.what.lies.beyond.the.shadows..panther.15:16:27 01/07/03 Tue
.::~*My claws are useless,but my teeth are vicious*~::.Scorpio13:08:42 01/07/03 Tue
new femme entersluna04:09:16 01/07/03 Tue
NewSaturn's Rings, Lajolla(lahoya), Osprey08:58:53 01/05/03 Sun
femme wit ttpiper05:57:04 01/06/03 Mon
öThe Itsy bitsy Spider went up the water Spout. Down came the goblin and took the spider out ö†Element† , §piderman , öGreen Goblinö , ¤ Eminem ¤10:25:18 01/05/03 Sun
FemmoraC.o.l.i.d.i.s.e08:32:28 01/04/03 Sat
-femmora- \ meow /Kitten00:38:16 01/03/03 Fri
  • Meow? -- Moonlight Hunter, 15:16:00 01/03/03 Fri
.burn.baby.burn. (My pack Members)SuicidalMagic20:07:14 01/01/03 Wed
Quiting, take off Mythical Forest please... (NT)Amoro20:02:01 01/01/03 Wed
~*~.I.Shall.Take.My.Revenge.~*~Vengance11:08:13 12/31/02 Tue
was it realy for her?Destiny10:53:54 12/30/02 Mon
new femme wolf pads in playfully......Libra17:54:48 12/28/02 Sat
hazards can be painfull...Hazard10:05:14 12/30/02 Mon
l:lThe Proud Cannot Comparel:ll:lShadow-Faxl:l09:53:19 12/29/02 Sun
Archives: 12 ]

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