The rose, the thorn, the furies, the storm...
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Date Posted: 12:35:00 01/19/03 Sun
In reply to:
aliens exist
's message, "do you believe?" on 10:18:27 01/19/03 Sun
Large alphine herk Snarls menacingly. A single wolve was no match for 6 full growl wolves no matter the style of his fighting. He emits a low growl to his herd, and they run, almost in formation, each giving Aliens Exist a present, each cut or bite runs deep, and blood gushes from the veins of this brute. They attack untill he whimpers submissively. All but the leader disperses into the shadows. He gives one more growl, and it is sinister. Then he to melts into the eclipsed cloak of night...
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