Subject: |.| dont piss me off |.| |
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Date Posted: 14:33:22 02/10/03 Mon
[ if my cursing is to bad for you and tramitizes your lives forever, please let me know. ]
name- killer
overall appearance- tall, robust, stocky, thin. He is quite light, or so it seems, because he moves as if made of air.
attitude- FIGHTER. a pure fighter. He can easily kill a wolf. easily. Dogs...well, he dosnt like to kill the kinds he is made up of.....the others, heck, he just walks up to them and bites down once on their neck and they are dead.
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|.Killer.| I walk into the land, my teeth still stained with the blood of a recent kill. Power-hungry, you say? maybe. But, as i silently made my way in, i saw other wolves. My jaws ached. I had never gone this long without crushing a bone between them. I had a bad aftertaste on my tongue from eating lizards. I had never gone so long to taste blood....then wonderful meat....yet i had only beent tasting a lizards. I saunter in, not wanting my own lands, not like the other idiots, scrambling after one like it was meat after they hadnt eaten in a few months, or as if it was actually worth something. nope, i would find somebody unworthy of a lnad of his own, then i would let the blood flow and the games begin. I had never even gotton a scrath while battling dogs; yet, the worst injury i ever got from a wolf was a big wound to my shoulder. it wasnt deep, jus a big slash mark. That was when i was young; my first wolf fight. I yawn; i would trot around to look for a ass to steal a lnad from.... like i was going to wait for some jack*** to come show how pathetic he was and invite me to a pack.... id hate to have somebody humiliate themselves like that.
. |
dubbeth: Killer
inheritance: 45% buffolo wolf.40% pit bull. the rest is made up of: rottweiler, doberman, german shepard, husky, and irish wolfhound.
turns: 4-6
hue: this one is tricky. He looks mainly like a grey wolf. His head is thin like a dobermans, he has the saddle mark of a german shepard, the wiry hair on his legs comes from the irish wolfhound, his pure size comes from the buffolo wolf; buffolo wolves were twice the size of normal wolves. [ok, almost]. He looks huskyish.
elevation: tall
persona: see above
past: he was raised amongst wolves, yet cities pushed into his homeland forest. He would travel there, and spy on lone dogs, or people walking their dogs. He would rush in, slice the throats of the dogs, then vanish. a 1000 dollar bounty was placed on his head. Yet he escaped here. He would stay; for now.
other: 1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)
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