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Subject: -femmora- \ meow /

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Date Posted: 00:38:16 01/03/03 Fri

bounding forward silently as she treks up the stone crusted mountains. tredding carelessly onto the pale green shoots that threaten to die at a moments' notice. whip cracking once as she picks up the speed, like she was shooting out of a cannon. pinnacles press back, preventing unknown substances sneaking in. harp staying still, sore from a nights' worth of yelling and cheering. only to find herself without herdmates to fall back on if need be. lets have some fun here though, my cousin had told me about it, lets see if its really that great. deities deemed her worthless, young and pitiful, not unlike a kitten dragged away from her mother's watchful side. zephyrs wreaking havoc on her tendrils, knotting them up as if they'll never get knotted again. ribbons flying out, flowing out like a sideways waterfall, if one could imagine. the glowing stars start to peek out underneith the pink glow of the setting sun, showing the moon's craters nearby as if to present it. nestled in a bed of blacks, blues and violets. the moonbeams flowing carelessly off her ginger sunkissed complextion, as if to brush over. the thundering sounds of her obsidians crashing against the virgin sod halted as the stars and moon peeked out, darker green shoots teetered and tottered in the gentle zephyr's passing grace. twin zeniths perk up, catching unknown sounds every which way.

tiara tilts to the side in thought, a cheerful grin in place of the usual smirk. hock kisser snapping left and right, left and right, as she trods in, one beat at a time. navigation has gone out of whack, screwing up her momentum. halting to a full stop, next stop is where? as she is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it. you can feel wonder, beauty, joy, love and so much more. lifting her crown up to survey where she was, wondering, wishing, deeming. she deemed these lands liveable, if not in fact loveable if given a chance. not a chance in hell. but we aren't in hell, are we? no, we were deemed barely worthy to live up here. where the sun darkly shines and the broken hearts stay forever broken. yet we were deemed unworthy of being with the deities. being immortal with everlasting youth that bubbles up from the fountain of youth that lies in mount olympus. well? am i done with my speech yet? not yet, but i'll riddle you this. actually, i won't. far to busy being the normal 'ole' me.

dark pools shine, maybe this was where she belonged. no longer a misfit, no longer alone, no longer unloved. if wishes were gold, she'd be rich. but whatever use for the gold would she have? none whatsoever.

ivories bare in defiance to the demons, this one was going solo, touch and die.

2 and a half
ginger-tawny & moonblanch
mixed breed

puppeter: Kel!
usually role plays horses, has played on Meadow Falls, Mirages of Destiny, Velocity, Enmity, 13th Dimension, Wlyde, Wild Soulz, Never Forgotten and Celestial Rapids (all horse rpgs)

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Meow?Moonlight Hunter15:16:00 01/03/03 Fri

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