Saturn's Rings, Lajolla(lahoya), Osprey
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Date Posted: 08:58:53 01/05/03 Sun
Name:Saturn's Rings
age:13 seasons(3 1/4 years)this is his fourteenth
markings/flaws:3 white rings on his muzzle
*eye color:Gold
*breed:Grey Wolf
*personality:He is the leader of this pack, strong and capable, wants his pack to be the strongest, though their are only three, they are all capable.
*history:Born in a litter of 7, he was always the most dominent, at the age of 7 seasons Osprey(his brother) and he set off.
Name:Lajolla, pronounced Lahoya
age:12 seasons, this is her thirteenth.
color:Pure white
markings/flaws:ear tips are grey
*eye color:amber
*breed:arctic wolf
*personality:Submissive to saturn, but stands up to osprey. the rest is to be found out.
*history:Was wounded by a hunter, badly, she has scars to prove it, though she still likes to fight. She was pciked up by Saturn and Osprey, and they healed her, and she is now part of the pack.
age:13 seasons, this is his fourteenth
color:mottled black white and grey, makes it looks lik hea has feathers.
markings/flaws:black tail with a white tip.
*eye color:gold
*breed:grey wolf
*personality:submissive to saturn, but has a "thing" for Lajolla.
*history:set of at 7 season with his brother.
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