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Subject: .fear.what.lies.beyond.the.shadows.

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Date Posted: 15:16:27 01/07/03 Tue

{~}Th' stag pads in, musculars tensing beneath 'is ebon pelt. Fur ruffling through th' zephyr. 'alt made, talons digging into th' ground so no slip was made. Thorns swivel listening to th' sounds in 'is surroundings. Occuli softly asset, watching some oth'r stags and femmas go by. Smile played 'pon mug as 'e watches as wonders if 'er will be just like that stag, 'appy and joyful. Nares sniff th' ground then th' atmosphere. 'ock kisser swaying to th' side from th' tensity of th' zephyr. Nares take in a gasp of air soothing 'is tired jugular. Boa highered, zenith raised, maw opens to release a long loud melody from 'is labrinths. Thorns straining for a tone back to 'is. Occuli still softly asset on th' terra as lithe form moves to th' heart of th' terra.{~}

Dubb'd: .panther.
Hu'd: inked ebon (black)
Mark'd: none
Measur'd: Bigger than size to be full grown
Ag'd: 5
Blam'd: Timber Black
Persona'd: very content, loving, gentle, fierce in battle
Key'd: new
Pictur'd: will get it soon

TT not ready yet, will be ready VERY soon...

Watch out .c.o.l.i.d.i.s.e.! There's a new rper in town!

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TT ready!!!!.panther.16:38:00 01/07/03 Tue

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