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Subject: ~Crawling Beauty~

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Date Posted: 13:13:20 01/08/03 Wed

~Crawling Beauty~

.personality.calm and trust worthy,there when needed,nice to all even her worst nightmares.
.past. She was the daughter of a highly respected alpha pair from the pack known as Tornado,her pack was called that becuz they were destructive and left few in there path but they were not savage.The pack of 20 repected her mother and father and when the news of her mother,Dora's,pregnacy a feast and celebration was emmited.Her father,Zues,was very proud.One summer morning Dora gave birth to 4 pups,2 males and 2 females.There was Strong Fang,Wise Wind,War ready Titan and Beautiful yet younger Mercy.When the pups were about 1 a plot was hatched by the Beta male and a couple of evil Gammas and Deltas to kill the line of alphas,make Beta Alpha and run things diffrently.Well That night Zues and Dora were malicasly murderd but the loving Beta Female lead the pups to safty,And she coverd there tracks.The Beta female was cought and killed and the Pups were left to live on there own,Titan being the oldest looked after them,but they all became weak.Wind died first,from dehidration,the three were forced to eat her body.a month later Fang died of an illness.It had been 2 weeks after Fang died when Mercy and Titan were attaked by a cugar mother.Titan stood and protected Mercy,at the price of his life,Mercy fled and braved the world alone for a month when she found a pack.She was accepted by the Alpha Female whom was unable to have pups do to an injury sustanied durning a hunt.Mercy was raised by them untill she was old enough to be on her own.....


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.fear.what.lurks.beyond.the.shadows..panther.18:35:08 01/08/03 Wed

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