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Subject: oops forgot

|. Emerald .| |. Kiche .| |. White Fang .| & |. Saphire .|
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Date Posted: 15:38:35 01/12/03 Sun
In reply to: |. Emerald .| |. Kiche .| |. White Fang .| & |. Saphire .| 's message, "and thats a good thing?" on 14:45:06 01/12/03 Sun

low pitch growl emits from throat, threatening, seeming to say I have this name FAIR-AND-SQAURE. please no ands ifs or buts about it. everyone needed to re-join, showing they still existed. you didnt even post at the member check. You shouldnt deserve your name back, if your THAT inactive. But if your pariniod enough, we can always rp-fight for it. ONLY RP FIGHT! accept or refuse and i keep this name. i wouldnt try, since i will win. oculli emit a cold, heartless laughter in them, this glare is reflected 'pon the other fae. aggers skim the ground silently, carrying slim light frame across the spring filled terra firma. dental artillary is exposed as their covers lift to show their sharpness off. She yips at the other three, telling them to leave on. Emerald than turns to the mimic and growls fiercly at her. She knew in her head that this wolf was heartless. She had seen the tales engraved in stone inside all of the teritory. she was heartless since she had deserted three packs, breaking the heart of all three males which lead them, and shattering the heart of the first. She snarled and rushed, then was here, then there. she seemed to sit while smileing and laughing at the mimic's ear that was ripped to ribbons. She bared her fangs once more, showing this imposter that her name should be anything that meant 'the heartless one', ' Heartless' , 'The one who cared about nothing', 'The heartless one' or ' Mrs. Anti-male'. She knew of those who heart she had broken, and she growled again, seeming to say why dont you go running back to moonlight whats-his-name,( i noticed that two emeralds have lived in his tt) maby then you'll find a good home and name. He is alone. and heartbroken. She growled yet again, for if she would not get out of her sight very VERY soon, she would have he11 to pay!
ooc- ok, i dont want to insult you, but i wont give up any of these names! i used to play a wolf around that time, he never had a tt, and i observed the battle since that was all that really went on.....

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hello!NATALIE04:10:42 01/13/03 Mon

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