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Subject: People on the roof

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 16:42:07 09/02/02 Mon

I don't want to sound like an old man screaming at kids to stay off his grass but no one is supposed to be on the roof. Before I didn't care about this but now I don't think it is safe to be up there. With the door bending incident, I think it is way past the point of asking tenants if it is them on the roof. If you hear something on the roof and it is after work hours (to avoid calling the police on someone fixing something up there) CALL THE COPS. This is the easiest way for a potential "bad guy" to get in the building. It HAS happened and probably WILL happen again. The door above my roof is still broken enough to get into by pulling it with your hand. Then you could walk down the fire exit to the bottom floor and take the elevator to ANY of our floors. I assure you I will call the police everytime I hear someone up there. Also if you can't make it to the meeting till late still come by and we will fill you in or discuss anything further. I don't go to sleep till 3 or 4 am usually. So don't worry about waking me up.

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