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Subject: Monday Night Roof Escapades

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Date Posted: 04:58:57 09/03/02 Tue

Not sure,,but maybe some of the tenants don't get it. STAY OFF THE ROOF!!!!!!!! You are seriously freaking some people out, and really just bothering me.

I have 3 skylights that are right next to the 3rd? floor roof entrance. Last night at about 12:30-1:00 2-3 people were banging around, waving flashlights, knocking things over INTO my skylight and making a lot of noise. I figured with all the noise they were probably tenants so I didn't call the police...next time I will. NO ONE!!!! NO ONE!!!! is supposed to be on any of the roofs at anytime except for the patio. Let me repeat. NO ONE!!!!! is supposed to be on any of the roofs except for the patio. No smoke breaks, no get togethers, nothing.

I am surprised that with everything that is going on that you would still be up on the roof causing such a ruckus.

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[> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

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Date Posted: 06:25:26 09/03/02 Tue

What makes you think it was tenants?

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[> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

No name
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Date Posted: 06:39:48 09/03/02 Tue

Hey Jared,

It probably WAS the police. They were here not once, but twice last night to investigate.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

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Date Posted: 08:12:32 09/03/02 Tue

If it was the police...fine. I just hope that if it was tenants that they will try to be more considerate next time they are up on the roof, even though they shouldn't be up there.

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[> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 08:45:07 09/03/02 Tue

I would imagine that there must be some good reason why the doors that lead from the roof into the bldg are not locked. One or more of the following must be true:

1. The doors ARE locked.
2. The doors cannot be locked for some fire-code type of reason
3. The doors cannot be locked for some physical type of reason (like they don't have locks).

- does anyone know what the deal is with that? Is it ever going to be possible to lock the doors up there semi-permanently so that breakins from the roof are less likely?

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[> Subject: Re: Monday Night Roof Escapades

jeromie #23
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Date Posted: 23:01:18 09/03/02 Tue

i was on the roof last night around 11:30... with a flash light... by myself... on the second floor roof... just over the rail of the patio... for less than five minutes... LOOKING AT MY SKYLIGHTS BECAUSE I HAD A LEAK!!!!! (strangely enough it wasn't even raining anymore) i know i was there at 11:30, because i called eqequrel at 11:15 and he didn't want to come over until the morning. so i went up to see if i could find where the leak was coming from because i knew it wouldn't be leaking by the time eqequrel came to look.

i apologize to whomever "i seriously freaked out!!!" but i think we all need to calm down a take a deep breath.

i'm also sorry that i just got to look at this posting (i just got finished at work... it's like 1:45am) and i'm about to come home. i can't even read on... THERE'S TOO MUCH!!!! i can't find who wrote it, but someone said something about anger and resentment that seems to be growing among tenants... and feeling alienated by it... that's how i feel right now.

i'm all for working out a solution so we all feel safer, but i'm not going to be part of a george bashing campaign... it's not productive. after reading these postings for 15 minutes i don't know what to think... i'm just tired.

i can't be at the meeting tomorrow night, but i hope an email about what is discussed is sent out.

apt. 23

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