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Subject: pretty cool

j kosinski
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Date Posted: 17:44:51 09/03/02 Tue

Wow, I am impressed by all the action taking place. My idea of acting in our defense was to carry a knife and have all able-bodied men in the bldg be ready to run outside with baseball bats at a moments notice. I guess I kick it stone-age style a little bit, but then maybe all that I just said would be a good supplement to the current plans. But these community action boards and getting in touch with the merchants of the area, I applaud that. That is some good old-fashioned American type of shit, and I think it will help alot.

I dont have time to get in touch with the area people/police/firemen, but I want to do what I can. I am on call to help in any way possible. I offer my support, my presence where needed, my programming skills, and anything else that I can do to help in any way. Just ask.

Though my ideas were different in nature from the start, they are the same in that I wanted to see us work together for our common defense, and that is happening. I am happy. Keep it up though; lets not get lazy. I feel that there is another wave of opposition coming, so lets be ready for it this time, eh? One person we surely CANT depend on is our landlord, so we have to take it into our own hands. DIY-style.

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