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Subject: Warning

Kaitlin, 46
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Date Posted: 05:51:13 09/04/02 Wed

Please be careful when posting messages that are aimed at minimizing people's fear or belittling them for being afraid. Although I'm sure that would never be anyone's intention it can happen very easily. There are a lot of people in this building that are scared for there safety. Those of us lucky enough to not have been the victim of anything should be extremely compassionate and as empathetic as possible. Jeromie did apologize for scaring anyone by going on the roof, but I have to say that it didn't seem that sincere. He made it clear that he felt the person who was "seriously freaked out" was over reacting. This is not an attack on him, I think it's great that we have this forum so he could inform people that it was him and that can put us at ease (a little). But that does not change the fact that people that do not live in this building are trying to get in and are doing it on the roof. I doubt they just want to say hello. That is something to be legitimately scared of. Over reacting would be a mistake, but I don't think that anyone has. As far as this becoming a campaign against George I can see why that has started to happen. He has lied to tenant after tenant about things much more serious than a laundry room. He is extremely defensive about the building and seems to be just saying whatever he can say quickly to get people off of his back. I think at the meeting we will come up with a list of requests/demands for him and how he reacts to that will be important in how I deal with him from now on. There are extremely easy and inexpensive things he can do and if he is not willing to do that than I believe he deserves to have people "bash" him (figuratively not literally). There has been negativity on this board lately and a lot of it has stemmed from people insulting those that are afraid and I don't want to see that happen again.

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