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Subject: Minutes from Our Wednesday Meeting

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Date Posted: 21:55:10 09/06/02 Fri

YO, sorry for the delay..For those of you who couldn't make it this should be good news. For those of you who did, it's a recap and a game plan for moving forward on the issue of violence in our neighborhood and general concerns about the building.

Jared and Nancy volunteered to be delegates to George.

We prioritized our concerns as:

1. Roof Access Doors secure from the outside and up to fire code

2. Roof fence extended/roof secure from outsiders

3. Bulletin Board available for general tenant postings without interference; More communication on building plans, management, etc.

Police Outreach
We decided that Greg and Dave would facilitate the Police outreach. Greg is contacting the police to have an officer check our security trouble spots (listed below) and make objective security recommendations. Dave is contacting the police about F tab (?) paperwork and 100 signatures/cop on the corner question - objective for more police presence on Lawton/Broadway.

Other Building Security Causes for Concern:
a. Parking - offstreet secure parking
b. Second Floor Elevator landing area, ledge, windows don't lock
c. More cameras
d. Motion Sensors/Lighting on Roof
e. Camera on Broadway looking West, not East
f. Doors facing broadway need handles removed
these are not in priority order, please add posts on anything I missed or not mentioned here...Greg will include.

Neighborhood Outreach
Say hi to the shopkeepers, introduce yourself. The police tell us they're upset about what's happening too...The neighborhood wants us to stay. We'll be distributing invites/flyers to the Sept. 17 87th Precinct Community Meeting, and I'll have some ready soon, bilingual (Brigid, you've got someone who can help with espanol?). We hope to come away with a rough structure for a neighborhood watch program.

Jared and Nancy are going to try to have a conversation with George within a week or so, will keep us posted.

Great input from everyone - There was lots expressed, which I wouldn't do justice by encapsulating here. Please feel free to correct me or echo in on anything I forgot.

Oh yeah, and a shameless plug -- I'm a voice-over artist, just got my new site up at www.davervoice.com

So if you know any producers or casting directors, send em my link ;) thanks.

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[> Subject: Re: Minutes from Our Wednesday Meeting

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Date Posted: 19:48:57 09/07/02 Sat

no more shameless plugs, please.

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