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Subject: My fetish with windows

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Date Posted: 21:31:56 09/07/02 Sat

This is why I wrote about looking out of a window onto Lawton at night. They aren't only demanding "fucking money" they are fucking up people's cars. I saw them breaking into a car myself several weeks back. They have also seriously disrupted some people's lives in this building. They have succeeded in getting good people to move out of this building. They have annoyed people to no end.

Offend me all that you want, but don't do it to others.

This isn't Williamsburg. I know this. Most people here know this or at least they should. Williamsburg isn't the reason why anyone is writing on this board. People are writing on this board because they are fed up with the bullshit that goes on around this building more often than even I care to realize. If you think people are over-reacting or being psychos or being stupid, than maybe spare yourself the annoyance (you clearly are annoyed if you feel the need to insult anyone) you felt reading #14's message or my own and stop reading the posts once and for all.

Disagree all you want. Let's not be assholes to one another, ok? At least put your name on the damn thing if you're going to be condescending. Or maybe next time you feel like belittling someone, just write something like, "Brigid is a stupid fucking annoying white girl who has a fetish for windows." You can let out your frustrations and I won't mind.

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[> Subject: Re: My fetish with windows

No name
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Date Posted: 10:31:41 09/08/02 Sun

And what would you solve by looking out the window?

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[> [> Subject: Re: My fetish with windows

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Date Posted: 10:37:36 09/08/02 Sun

Why don't you ask that question to the same person that succeeded in getting some asshole arrested because he was looking out his window?

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[> [> Subject: Re: My fetish with windows

Susana and Billy Apt. 14
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Date Posted: 17:15:37 09/08/02 Sun

First of all the kitchen knife thing was a joke on my end. Secondly.. looking out the window does accomplish the fact that in the event you get mugged/beaten up/slapped around, etc. there will be witnesses to 1) describe the assailant 2) call the cops 3) come out to help you 4) and hopefully make you safer. now if you dont think that helps please let me know who you are so I'll make sure I wont do anything when something happens to you. To all you who think this message is a bit mean and offensive, Im sorry but Im not going to sit here and have someone think Im stupid for looking out for you guys. And if you guys are interested, we try to make friends in the neighborhood. We choose not to be afraid when we go out so even tho some of the kids in the neighborhood are freaky looking we try to be friendly. You can excuse my sarcasm, but whats the worse that can happen? i get robbed? killed? that happens in all other neighborhoods.

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