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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 21:44:06 09/07/02 Sat

Atleast all the people on the fourth floor are nice. Good point to remember is if you don't agree with something and it does not affect you then why worry. If you don't like the way things are being handled you should have come to the meeting. If you couldn't come to the meeting an open invitation was given to stop by my or Ryan and Kaitlin's apt. to give ideas or express opinions. If you are mocking George on this site then I think this site will only be counter productive if he sees it. At this point the only reason why derogatory comments are bothing me is because I like the way MOST people have come together to help each other out. By the way, if John is still interested, I would like to see a forum for the building that has diff types of discussion boards and the ability to start threads and posts on those threads. It would be nice to be able to log in so no one can hide behind ability to be anominous. You could also have moderators that have access to deleting posts and controlling unwanted negativity against fellow tenants.

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