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Subject: annoyed

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Date Posted: 08:02:20 09/08/02 Sun

Okay... I have been trying to keep my mouth shut but I just can't seem to do it any longer. I AM ANNOYED. There, I said it. I will try my best not offend anyone...here goes...

1. Mocking George is completely unecessary. I feel like he made some promises that he needs to live up to {ie. the laundry room} but we are all adults and need to take resposibility for our own actions. When you move into a neighborhood it is up to you to make sure that it is a place you really want to live. I realize that the extent of some of this violence was unforseeable . BUT, if you thought this was Williamsburg then you obviously did not do your homework on Bushwick OR Williamsburg. When we looked at this apt. we asked George about the neighborhood and i guess that he felt we had educated ourselves enough and did not feel like he could lie to us about it. He told us that this neighborhood used to be reallly bad but it was slowly getting better. Then we asked Ezequil and he said there used to be crack and prostitutes. He even went so far as to say that Lawton was the worst. We looked at the crime statistics and compared them to our old neighborhood. We made a choice when we moved here and so did everyone else. NOw you need to deal with the consequences of that choice. You can either cope with the process of ironing out the wrinkles or move. But by all means STOP BITCHING THAT THIS IS NOT WILLIAMSBURG.

2. Use common sense people. I am not speaking to everyone and I do not mean any disrespect.
Try to walk home with someone.
Look behind you, be aware of what is going on around you.
Have your keys out .
Act like you belong here but don't be arrogant.
Look out the window if you here something. Keep an eye on each other.
But don't carry kitchen knives! get some pepper spray. Don't go down Dodsworth and look for trouble.
I agree with Mr. or Mrs. Condesending when they say "no wonder they think we are stupid."

I do not think George is a "slum lord", and "idiot" or even an "asshole" I think he is in over his head. he is reacting to his own fears just like we are all reacting to ours... in his own way.
Apparently some of us do it by being rude and others do it by acting macho and others try their best to keep their wits about them.

again, i am trying my best not to be a bitch! but i am getting SO frustrated with both the negativity and naivete on this message board.

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[> Subject: Re: annoyed

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Date Posted: 10:26:53 09/08/02 Sun

I totally agree with you that if we think this is Williamsburg, we did not do our homework. I feel bad for the people from out of state though. But even Williamsburg as someone else said is only gentrified in spots.

I am not too happy right with the situation right now, mainly the lack of ongoing security. Nevertheless I realize that the building is new and things take time.

Thanks for speaking out!

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