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Subject: I don't like Williamsburg

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Date Posted: 10:42:33 09/08/02 Sun

I don't like Williamsburg. There, I have said it. I don't ever plan on moving there. I like the shelter where I got my dog in Williamsburg and have found some good used books there. That's the extent of it. Can we stop talking about Williamsburg? I wrote "This is not Williamsburg..." because Mr/Mrs. Condescending seems to think that the fact of Bushwick not being Williamsburg is why people are upset.

Glad to hear about the spanking new subway trains.

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[> Subject: fsgfdgfj

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Date Posted: 11:20:01 09/08/02 Sun

sorry brigid,i wasn't refering to you. i don't like williamsburg either, that's why i did not move there. i was talking about people that "have to get used to living in bushwick aka williamsburg" but i guess that message was deleted because i can not seem to find it anymore. so yes. we can stop talking about williamsburg. my point was that we can be mad at george and blame some stuff on him but i think it's getting out of control. and i think you agree?

as far as looking out the window... our apt. faces lawton and we look out the window all the time. i figure why not? it's not like i sit in the window all day and sleep with one eye open at night or anything but, if we hear something we look. and to answer someones question, what good is it going to do? uh i could be a witness on a police report, i could potentially scare someone away by yelling, or i could drop a soup can on someones head if they were trying to mug you {joke}. what do you mean what good is it going to do? ever heard of eye witness testimony?

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[> [> Subject: Re: fsgfdgfj

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Date Posted: 14:19:05 09/08/02 Sun

Thank you Suzanne. I liked your posts. I didn't care if you were referring to me or if you weren't because, quite simply, you were being a voice of reason, as you have been from the start. I should have just said it like Kaitlin already has done: Williamsburg is a total NON-ISSUE. WE LIVE IN BUSHWICK. WILLIAMSBURG IS IRRELEVANT. as is our landlord's accent. I care far less about how he enunciates things than I do about what he says and care far more about what he does than what he says.

Did anyone else think for one second that maybe sue and billy were joking about the knives, though? It's also irrelevant, really, but I took it as a joke. Whatever the case, I don't appreciate that SOMEONE made it sound like it was their "stupidity" that was causing the muggings.

If you think someone is going overboard or is pursuing matters in a ill-thought out manner, than there is no reason why you can not say so in a respectful manner. I am not the high priestess of civility but I think it is total crap if you feel the need to be a jerk to people just to get some kicks.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: fsgfdgfj

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Date Posted: 07:00:48 09/09/02 Mon

my point was that we need to take some responsibility and not blame everything on george. this whole williamsburg thing was just an example. we should be mad at him for the laundry room but he is not the one mugging people. i think that a lot of the anger around here is misdirected.

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