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Subject: This is just my opinion

Kaitlin, Apt 46
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Date Posted: 11:35:41 09/08/02 Sun

First of all the post mimicking George has been removed. That was unecessary and counter productive. I also know who wrote it, but will not mention any names. I have only removed posts at the request of the author up until this point, but that was ridiculous.

I think that the comment about some people acting like vigilantes wasn't that far off. I'm sure that Billy and Sue had good intentions, but carrying kitchen knives around probably puts them and us in more danger. There is no reason for us to walk around the neighborhood like that. We need to do whatever we can to look out for each other's safety, but trying to weed out the culprits on our own is futile and dangerous. I am by no means saying we should lock oursleves in the building, but people need to be careful. I completely agree with Suzanne's suggestions about walking around, especially that we need to walk like we belong here without being arrogant. That is probably the best thing we can do. The people causing these problems have no respect for us (they probably don't have respect for anyone), but they will respect us even less if they think we are scared to come out of our building. They feed on feeling like they have power over people.

Thank you for whoever posted about the kids hanging around the red chevy. That is my car, or at least I own a red cavalier that was parked on Lawton last night so I assume it was mine. I'm guessing they were trying to take my rims, but they are locked so it would be really hard for them to get them off. There was no other damage that we can see, but thanks for looking out for it. Although there has been some debate I think we should look out the windows whenever we have the chance. I do. My window looks out onto Hart St and I look out once in a while to see if anyone is hanging out by the cars out there. If other people do that I think we might catch some people in the act (as Michael did at one point).

As far as this not being Williamsburg, that is completely irrelevant. People need to decide if they want to stay here or move to somewhere a little safer (like some parts of Williamsburg). For those that want to stay we need to do whatever we can to make our building and the neighborhood safer. We definitely have more control over the building than the neighborhood, but there are things we can do on both fronts. Dave has posted information about community meetings and getting local business owners involved.

As far as anonymity on the board, I think it is good overall. I have posted various posts anonymously that I may not have posted otherwise. Some of us, Brigid obviously not being one of them (that is not an insult, actually it's a compliment) do anything they can to avoid conflict with others. I have a hard time disagreeing with someone openly, but I still feel like I should be able to express my opinions. That is why I started this board. That being said, people should not use it as a place to attack others personally or use it to be rude and disrespectul just because they can.

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[> Subject: Re: This is just my opinion

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Date Posted: 11:52:32 09/08/02 Sun

yes. there needs to be a balance. we need to do our best to be safe but not paranoid.

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[> Subject: Re: This is just my opinion

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Date Posted: 15:26:31 09/08/02 Sun

I finally know who started this forum--Kaitlin. I called you brilliant in an earlier post--that still applies. :)

I'm glad we have this forum. Thanks for starting it.

And Brigid--I don't like Williamsburg either. It's way industrial. I really don't see why it's such a big deal. Without Bedford Ave. it would be another Bushwick.

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