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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 22:44:37 09/10/02 Tue

I have reconsidered my thoughts and now I think you should tell him about the police inspection(let him know it is not to hurt him but it is to help us). I have spoken with George on several occasions recently and he seems to be a new person. He also made a comment about some things people put "on the computer". So, he probably is reading this stuff himself. This is fine with me. He has been very honest with me and said several times if we have a problem call him or drop a note under the office door. He also keeps mentioning the negativity of the building and he is very concerned about it. Lately he has seemed to want to go out of his way to make me happy and wants the overall moral in the building to be better. I think and hope that now if we confront him with our concerns he will be willing to "protect his investment" and see to it that he meets our needs. Granted that we are not asking for something that is unreasonable. He is our landlord and for what ever reason it is now that he rather talk to me than yell I am grateful for. I would rather have a good relationship with my landlord than a bad one. This does not mean we cannot pursue the community meetings and make the building safe. George NEEDS this building to succeed. So lets include him on our thoughts and go from there. Also, the washers and dryers are in and hopfully by next week they will be ready. One more thing, I understand why some people would like to remain anonymous for certain comments like "your car is getting broken into" or "the bingo man"(ha,ha) but to say rediculousy negative things and not leave your name is just plain cowardly. I have signed my name for the bad things and now for the good things. I think now George has read all of my posts and he sees that I was upset. He now is trying to make me happy and like I said before I will stay if I am happy and SAFE.

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