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Subject: Con Edison

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Date Posted: 12:55:02 09/12/02 Thu

Has everyone opened an account?

Is it just me or is anyone else interested/concerned as to why we were not notified by George/Pella back on July 30 that the individual electricity meters had been installed? And that we would be responsible for all usage from that date? I want to, and it's only fair, I pay for the power I used, but it would have been nice to let us know a little earlier.

Hopefully this is just another minor communication breakdown, but considering the rather odd gas bills some of us received perhaps we should keep an eye on this (i.e. gas and electric hooked up to hallway heaters NOT in your unit).

More annoying is the fact that our first bills will not arrive until somtime in late October/November and Con Ed, now unregulated, pays for energy on the open market.

Meaning we will not only get a bill for 3 months of usage but we'll be paying for the cost per kilowatt based in its price in fall/winter (probably after we start bombing Iraq raising energy costs), not what it was back in July!

For those of you that were told "not to worry" by George about electricity until he told us to call Con Ed please let us all know what/when you will begin paying.

Well, better we received notice now than sometime next year...

As you were.

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[> Subject: Re: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 13:13:26 09/12/02 Thu

I haven't called to open my account yet, but is it possible to tell Con Edison that we only want to be billed from this point forward? I haven't thought this out completely yet, but I am considering deducting the amount I have to pay from my rent (everything up until this point). I was under the impression that George was letting the electricity slide to make up for the fact that we don't have a laundry room. He said not to worry about it, so I wasn't and now I find we are responsible retroactively. Does anyone else (other than the original poster) consider this a slap in the face that he couldn't even bother informing us of this at the end of July? Would anyone else consider witholding whatever they owe from July 30th through whatever day George posted the notice? He is less likely to retaliate if a bunch of us do it, and maybe he will see that he needs to communicate better if it's not just one or two people whining. This isn't about the money, it's about him taking responsibility for the building. I don't dislike him and this is not personal, but I don't think he understands that there is more to his investment than just rennovating a building and finding people to rent the apartments. This is our home.

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[> Subject: Re: Con Edison

Magda apt 16
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Date Posted: 13:41:58 09/12/02 Thu

I just opened an account with Con Edison. Nice lady on the phone asked me when I moved in and I said that 2 months ago, BUT I want to be responsible for the charges as of today, because my landlord was responible till now, and she said FINE! The meter reading is going to be on Sept. 30th, and (as I usually do)I asked again, that my bill will be from Sept. 12th to 30th and she said "That's correct" The bill should arrive week later. I want to believe her... Will see...

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[> Subject: Re: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 15:43:50 09/12/02 Thu

Per Magda's reply: this was sort of my point in posting this thread. The Con Ed rep I spoke with said so long as my lease started prior to the meter switch I was responsible for ALL usage beginning on July 30th and if there were any arrangements with the landlord those should be discussed with him NOT the electric company.

The problem with many issues in the building seems to be selective enforcement. If Magda's billing starts on September 12th ALL of ours should, no?

If Pella is going to be responsible for the electricity until Sept 12 then someone should TELL US. Also how can they accurately bill you if they don't come out (on the 12th) and get an initial reading?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 17:42:18 09/12/02 Thu

Con Ed told us twice today that we were responsible for charges accruing from this date, the 12th. We were told the next reading would be on the 30th when we asked when the first bill arrived.

This should still be discussed with George. Vague assurances are not very helpful.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Con Edison

No name
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Date Posted: 20:28:18 09/12/02 Thu

I hate to harp on the mechanics here, but if the new meters were installed with 0 kilowatt hours back in July and the next reading won't happen until September 30th how will Con Ed accurately bill from today's date?

Short of an estimated or some kind of pro rated usage I don't see how.

And again shouldn't it be an all or none situation for all tenants? I certainly plan to call again tomorrow to let them know at least 2 (so far) tenants have billing cycles beginning on September 12 NOT July 30th.

It's especially interesting because the customer service guy told me I was "legally" responsible for all power used since the meter switch. Hmmm.

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