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Subject: Meeting with George

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Date Posted: 14:29:45 09/15/02 Sun

Did Jared and Nancy meet with George yet?

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[> Subject: Re: Meeting with George

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Date Posted: 21:24:52 09/15/02 Sun

Hello, Whoever-It-Is-I-Am-Replying-To and everyone!

Yes, we did talk to him - but separately. Jared faxed George our list of concerns and then talked with him on the phone about it. I spoke to George yesterday morning.

Jared will report on what he learned, but this is what I was told:

1.) George reads this message board and knows what the complaints/issues are but he's choosing his battles. He wants everyone to know that it'll take time to get this all done. He respects our right to have a forum like this and does not want to interfere, but he does read this stuff.
2.) He is willing to come to our next meeting.
3.) He does not expect anyone to pay for parking until the lot is cleaned up and asphalted, etc. So, if you have been paying, you can take it up with him without fear of blowing it for the others.
4.) The laundry room is installed and should be ready for use in a few days.
5.) Roof security - 10 more cameras are supposed to be installed (I was not given a date) and several will be put on the roof. He does not want anyone - including tenants - on the roof except for the designated 2 nd floor patio. Walking around up there can cause leaks and water damage. he's going to get stricter about this come winter.
6.) the doors - he says that that bent door was indeed caused by the wind and that it is now fixed. He says that they meet city fire regluation code. He is planning on installing a new second set of doors to the exits that pour onto Lawton and Broadway, so that even if someone were to get in through the 1st set, they would not get through the second.
7.) it sounds like the real plan for the 1st floor retail space is a supermarket - a real grocery store. (I worry about rats and coakroaches if this actually happens. :-/ )
8.) More and more developers and business people are looking to invest in this area (including George). it may grow faster than we think.

That's all for now


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[> [> Subject: Re: Meeting with George

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Date Posted: 04:57:16 09/16/02 Mon

Thanks Jared and Nancy. And George, if you are reading this, thanks for responding to our ideas and for your concern about our safety. It seems that all the negativity has at least settled down some and we can all work together better now. It's too bad that some nice people moved out during all of this, but I'm glad I stayed. Hopefully I will keep feeling this way.

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