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Subject: Re: Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 10:06:13 10/13/02 Sun
In reply to: 's message, "Ezequiel" on 08:09:02 10/13/02 Sun

The most valid point that has been made on here is that we were under the impression that our super lived accross the street when we decided to move here, and subsequently when we decided to stay when all of the safety issues were going on. Now we don't even know who are super is. How much we like Ezequiel is really irrelevant, although very true. I don't think we could ever get a super that cared more about the building or worked harder.

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[> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 10:09:52 10/13/02 Sun

We can't start criticizing George for living in Queens. There are very few landlords that live in their buildings. He obviously has some money and you expect him to live in a 1BR in Bushwick? I wouldn't if I could afford not to. We have plenty of other reasons to be upset with him. Most importantly the fact that we are apparently losing a super we really like without being asked our opinion. And the fact, that was brought up already, that at this point George hasn't even been bothered letting us know.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 10:53:40 10/13/02 Sun

I don't think anyone is that crazy to base their argument on George living in Queens. But its important to note that ezequial lives across the street and who knows where the new super is from, how often he'll be around, how much or how little work he'll be doing, how easy it will be to get in touch with him and communicate with him, etc. we don't even know who he is and when he's starting.

Has anyone else noticed how often and how diligently Ezequiel cleans the damn floors and sidewalk around here? How willing he is to help with anything? Consider the buildign without him. It scares me.

When I looked at the apartment here, one of the first things I was told (a selling point) was that the super lived across the street. I put that on my list of things I like about this place. I don't want to have to take that off an ever-shortening list of pros and add a different super to my growing list of cons.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 05:04:09 10/14/02 Mon

Hopefully everthing will get sorted out and Ezequiel can stay. That would be the best solution, but if we do have to get used to a new super we should at least be open mindeda about it. I doubt he could be a good as Ezequiel, but I don't think we will know that until we know who it is. At this point do we even have a super?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 05:27:52 10/14/02 Mon

Can you think of a good reason why our super would be let go?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Ezequiel

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Date Posted: 05:08:21 10/14/02 Mon

I didn't say that anyone was basing their argument on the fact that George lives in Queens. I'm just saying that criticizing him for something so stupid isn't going to get us anywhere especially when we have so many legitimate reasons to be angry with him. Where George lives is completely irrelevant to the super issue. Ezequiel living accross the street is. I was just making a distinction. And if George does read this board he is going to pay even less attention to us if we start making silly comments about him and his daughter not living here. We should stick to points that are based on reason, like the fact that we all signed leases with the understanding that the super lived accross the street. We should also note if and when we start noticing differences in the appearance of the building because Ezequiel is gone.

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