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Date Posted: 16:36:24 01/23/05 Sun
Author: r
Author Host/IP: ca-01.cinergycom.net /
Subject: Re: testing
In reply to:
's message, "Re: testing" on 14:20:39 12/18/04 Sat
From the American Dialect Society:
Prior Words of the Year:
1990: bushlips
1991: mother of all
1992: not!
1993: information superhighway
1994: cyber, morph
1995: web, newt
1996: Mom
1997: millennium bug
1998: e-
1999: Y2K
2000: chad
2001: 9-11
2002: weapons of mass destruction
2003: metrosexual
These are the winners of the American Dialect Society’s Words of the Year vote, held in Oakland, Calif. Nominated words are newly prominent—but not necessarily coined in
2004—and can be any lexical item, term, or phrase that characterized the year (not necessarily just a single word). The numbers following each term are the number of votes received. If there are two numbers separated by a slash, then the second number indicates a run-off vote.
And for 2004 the Words of the Year are:
Word of the Year
red state, blue state, purple state, n., together, a representation of the American political map. 36
flip-flopper, n, a politician who changes political stances; a waffler. 11
mash-up, n., a blend of two songs or albums into a single cohesive musical work. 2
meet-up, n., a local special interest meeting organized through a national web site. 2
wardrobe malfunction, n., an unanticipated exposure of bodily parts. 19
1. Most Useful
WINNER: phish, v., to acquire passwords or other private information (of an individual, an account, a website, etc.) via a digital ruse. Noun form: phishing. 47
backdoor draft, n., the filling of military jobs through reactivation of former troops or through forced
enlistment extensions known as stop-loss orders. 16
blog- as a prefix or combinging form in making other words: blogosphere, blognoscenti, blogarrhea. 1
fetch, adj., cool or stylish, from the movie Mean Girls. 11
2. Most Creative
WINNER: pajamahadeen, n., bloggers who challenge and fact-check traditional media. 36/52
hillbilly armor, n., scavenged materials used by soldiers for improvised bullet-proofing and vehicle hardening, esp. in Iraq. 11
lawn mullet, n., a yard neatly mowed in front but unmowed in the back. 29/27
nerdvana, n., geeks really geeking out; collaborative geekiness. 6.5
3. Most Unnecessary
WINNER: carb-friendly, adj., low in carbohydrates. 38/50
-based as in reality-based, faith-based. 14
erototoxin, n., a (nonexistent) chemical released in the brain of a person looking at pornography. 17/26
stalkette, n., a female stalker. 10
4. Most Outrageous
WINNER: santorum, n., the frothy residue of lube and fecal matter which sometimes is the result of anal sex. 39
clone and kill, n., raising a crop of humans for parts. 6
douche chill, n., interjection used to break a sudden silence after a verbal faux pas. 9
Jesusland, n., the country which will be the rump US after the blue states have seceded and joined Canada. 13
5. Most Euphemistic
WINNER: badly sourced, adj., false. 50
angel, n., a soldier killed in action. 7
partner reduction, n., divorce or severing of a romantic relationship. 2
wardrobe malfunction, n., unanticipated exposure of bodily parts. 15
6. Most Likely To Succeed
WINNER: red, blue, and purple states, n., the American political map. 21/46
krunked, n., cool, crazy. 2
mash-up, n., a blend of two songs or albums into a single cohesive musical work. 23/22
meet-up, n., a local special interest meeting organized through a national web site. 16
orange revolution, n., the recent Ukrainian political crisis. 5
7. Least Likely To Succeed
WINNER: FLOHPA, n., collectively, the states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, said to have been
important in the 2004 American presidential election. From the postal codes for the three states: FL, OH, and PA. 41
holy toast, n., a grilled cheese with the image of the Virgin Mary, sold on eBay. 23
luanqibaozhao, n., Chinese for a complicated mess. 8
security mom, n., a female voter said to vote according to the protection of her family. 2
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Re: testing -- r, 16:40:12 01/23/05 Sun (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
From the American Dialect Society:
Prior Words of the Year:
1990: bushlips
1991: mother of all
1992: not!
1993: information superhighway
1994: cyber, morph
1995: web, newt
1996: Mom
1997: millennium bug
1998: e-
1999: Y2K
2000: chad
2001: 9-11
2002: weapons of mass destruction
2003: metrosexual
These are the winners of the American Dialect Society’s Words of the Year vote, held in Oakland, Calif. Nominated words are newly prominent—but not necessarily coined in 2004—and can be any lexical item, term, or phrase that characterized the year (not necessarily just a single word). The numbers following each term are the number of votes received. If there are two numbers separated by a slash, then the second number indicates a run-off vote.
And for 2004 the Words of the Year are:
Word of the Year
red state, blue state, purple state, n., together, a representation of the American political map. 36
flip-flopper, n, a politician who changes political stances; a waffler. 11
mash-up, n., a blend of two songs or albums into a single cohesive musical work. 2
meet-up, n., a local special interest meeting organized through a national web site. 2
wardrobe malfunction, n., an unanticipated exposure of bodily parts. 19
1. Most Useful
WINNER: phish, v., to acquire passwords or other private information (of an individual, an account, a website, etc.) via a digital ruse. Noun form: phishing. 47
backdoor draft, n., the filling of military jobs through reactivation of former troops or through forced
enlistment extensions known as stop-loss orders. 16
blog- as a prefix or combinging form in making other words: blogosphere, blognoscenti, blogarrhea. 1
fetch, adj., cool or stylish, from the movie Mean Girls. 11
2. Most Creative
WINNER: pajamahadeen, n., bloggers who challenge and fact-check traditional media. 36/52
hillbilly armor, n., scavenged materials used by soldiers for improvised bullet-proofing and vehicle hardening, esp. in Iraq. 11
lawn mullet, n., a yard neatly mowed in front but unmowed in the back. 29/27
nerdvana, n., geeks really geeking out; collaborative geekiness. 6.5
3. Most Unnecessary
WINNER: carb-friendly, adj., low in carbohydrates. 38/50
-based as in reality-based, faith-based. 14
erototoxin, n., a (nonexistent) chemical released in the brain of a person looking at pornography. 17/26
stalkette, n., a female stalker. 10
4. Most Outrageous
WINNER: santorum, n., the frothy residue of lube and fecal matter which sometimes is the result of anal sex. 39
clone and kill, n., raising a crop of humans for parts. 6
douche chill, n., interjection used to break a sudden silence after a verbal faux pas. 9
Jesusland, n., the country which will be the rump US after the blue states have seceded and joined Canada. 13
5. Most Euphemistic
WINNER: badly sourced, adj., false. 50
angel, n., a soldier killed in action. 7
partner reduction, n., divorce or severing of a romantic relationship. 2
wardrobe malfunction, n., unanticipated exposure of bodily parts. 15
6. Most Likely To Succeed
WINNER: red, blue, and purple states, n., the American political map. 21/46
krunked, n., cool, crazy. 2
mash-up, n., a blend of two songs or albums into a single cohesive musical work. 23/22
meet-up, n., a local special interest meeting organized through a national web site. 16
orange revolution, n., the recent Ukrainian political crisis. 5
7. Least Likely To Succeed
WINNER: FLOHPA, n., collectively, the states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, said to have been
important in the 2004 American presidential election. From the postal codes for the three states: FL, OH, and PA. 41
holy toast, n., a grilled cheese with the image of the Virgin Mary, sold on eBay. 23
luanqibaozhao, n., Chinese for a complicated mess. 8
security mom, n., a female voter said to vote according to the protection of her family. 2
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Re: testing -- Re:, 03:10:20 02/11/05 Fri (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
Recently had one where I uncovered a heretofore unreported link between a murderer/attempted murderer and my hometown and his intended victims. He killed a 22 month old child (and that sets me to tears every time I think about it) and sent 3 others to the hospital with life-threatening wounds from a shotgun just across the river in Illinois. If you want, you can read about it here if the local paper doesn't screw up the link. It's certainly not fun.
But that's not what really got my juices flowing tonight. I read this article (follow the link for a complete read) about how BC-Canada still had homosexuality on the books as a mental disorder in their MSP Codes. The article was:
MSP billing lists being gay as a mental disorder
Jonathan Fowlie -- Vancouver Sun -- Thursday, February 10, 2005
Embarrassed B.C. health officials are scrambling to correct a bizarre oversight in provincial paperwork that allows doctors to bill the Medical Services Plan for treating homosexuality as a mental disorder.
Health ministry spokeswoman Michelle Stewart said the ministry learned only Wednesday that a code permitting doctors to do such billing has been on the books since the 1980s.
"If they put that code [for the treatment of homosexuality] in, theoretically it would go through because it is recognized as a diagnostic code," Stewart said, adding that the ministry planned to remove the code as soon as possible, perhaps as early as today.
Stewart could not say if any doctors had used the code recently, or if MSP had paid for treatments under this provision, but said she would order a search of records Wednesday afternoon, and that the results would not be available until today. The provincial classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder came to light, Stewart said, when someone called the ministry Wednesday to say they had seen it listed as such on the provincial government's publicly accessible website.
It appeared on a five-page listing of codes doctors use for billing purposes under the heading, "neurotic disorders, personality disorders and other nonpsychotic mental disorders."
Read More Here!
These guys legalized marriage for gays and lesbians??
I smelled a challenge... I wanted to find those codes, besides it might help me get over the insomnia! So I found the BC Ministry of Health Services and their MSP Search Page. What I found was most interesting. Absolutely none of the PDF files for the MSP Codes were now accessible. All of the one's I clicked upon gave the same FILE NOT FOUND message from the site.
But I was undaunted! As we know there is always one place else to look when a site pulls the fast one and tries to cover its tracks... that's right.... the GOOGLE CACHE! And since these were PDF files there would be the option to view them in HTML. So I Googled up:
Results 1 - 4 of 4 from www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca for "neurotic disorders".
And there on top was:
[PDF] Diagnostic Code Description ICD9 Mental Disorders
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/ msp/infoprac/diagcodes/290_mental.pdf
The PDF file from the BC Ministry of Health Services was inactive (File not Found) but the GOOGLE View as HTML was sure there! But if the BC Ministry of Health Services managed to rid itself of the embarrasment here is a snippet of it..... oh Aurra?
302.8 OTHER
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Re: testing -- r &audio;, 15:54:42 02/11/05 Fri (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
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Re: testing&heart; -- ®®®®, 15:55:57 02/11/05 Fri (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
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Re: testing &heart; -- ®®®®, 15:57:46 02/11/05 Fri (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
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&heart; testing &heart; ¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾, -- ®®®®, 15:58:57 02/11/05 Fri (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
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Re: &heart; testing &heart; ¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾, -- , 12:49:04 02/15/05 Tue (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
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Re: &heart; testing &heart; ¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾, -- , 17:03:26 02/15/05 Tue (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
Even more wit & wisdom from Aunt Charlotte....
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Aunt Charlotte.... -- , 12:18:21 02/16/05 Wed (ca-01.cinergycom.net/
First a joke without dirty words. If you're old enough to understand what it means then you're old enough to get a laugh.
If you're not, then don't read any further.
Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them, and the beech says to the birch, "Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch?"
The birch says he cannot tell. Just then a woodpecker lands on the sapling. The birch says, "Woodpecker, you are a tree expert. Can you tell if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch?"
The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree. He replies, "It is neither a son of a beech nor a son of a birch. It is, however, the best piece of ash I have ever put my pecker in.
Ok... it was an old one, but still good!
I don't do windows because ...
I love birds and don't want one to run into a clean window and get hurt.
I don't wax floors because ...
I am terrified a guest will slip and get hurt then I'll feel terrible( plus they may sue me.)
I don't mind the dust bunnies because ...
They are very good company, I have named most of them, and they agree with everything I say.
I don't disturb cobwebs because ...
I want every creature to have a home of their own.
I don't Spring Clean because ...
I love all the seasons and don't want the others to get jealous.
I don't pull weeds in the garden because ..
I don't want to get in God's way, he is an excellent designer.
I don't put things away because ...
My husband will never be able to find them again.
I don't do gourmet meals when I entertain because ..
I don't want my guests to stress out over what to make when they invite me over for dinner.
I don't iron because ...
I choose to believe them when they say "Permanent Press".
I don't stress much on anything because ...
"A Type" personalities die young and I want to stick around and become a wrinkled up crusty ol' woman!!!!

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Re: testing -- asd, 12:24:44 02/08/06 Wed (155-235.cable.senselan.ch/
Guilt | What is yours? | Explain yourself |
Culinary: | Not enough fruits and veggies |
I'm picky, and usually don't have a lot of time. I suck. |
Literary: | Anne Rice. | I kinda love Armand and Quinn. Yeah, I suck. |
Audiovisual: | MTV | It can get addictive. IT SUCKS. |
Musical: | Stupid, occasional pop songs. | Little Miss Independent Clarkson. Sucks, huh? |
Celebrity: | The Olsen Twins | I think they're really cute and they've got their own style. They do not suck! |
Now I tag:-
to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.
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Re: testing -- he, 12:31:18 02/08/06 Wed (155-235.cable.senselan.ch/

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