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Date Posted: 01:48:03 04/21/06 Fri
Author: r
Author Host/IP: ca-02.cinergycom.net /
Subject: Re: testing
In reply to: r 's message, "Re: testing" on 03:43:53 12/19/05 Mon

Teaching and Speaking

Unmasking the Hidden Dangers in Media

Frank spent most of his career helping to create the hidden dangers which he is now working tirelessly to expose. As a radio and television journalist and broadcaster for more than 20 years, he understands the enormous power and influence all forms of media wield in shaping our thoughts, feelings and ultimately our lives.

"Today's media are like huge minefields booby-trapped with images designed to explode in your soul and cause destruction to your mind, spirit and body." Frank says. "Unless you have someone with the knowledge, background and insight to speak out and the courage to take on the task of unmasking the hidden dangers in media you will become a casualty of spiritual warfare you didn't even know was going on."

Frank combines his extensive media experience and knowledge with the irrefutable truth of the Bible to show you how media portrayals of sex, violence, homosexuality, drug use, nudity and profanity, dishonesty and divorce have been carefully combined as an attack on your family and society as a whole.

As Frank points out, "…subtle and subliminal messages are planting seeds of destruction in popular music and seemingly innocent shows like sitcoms and so-called "family hour programs. At the same time overt and obvious images are bombarding you and your children with disgusting ideas and amoral behavior packaged as legitimate"

You must learn the truth about what is being fed to you and your children through radio, television, magazines, newspapers and the impact it is having on our culture and our future. The information in this seminar is vital to your Christian walk and understanding the tactics of the enemy to oppose God on every front.

Let Frank use his invaluable experience and Biblical understanding to equip you for spiritual warfare in the media today!

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