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Date Posted: 16:53:06 05/02/03 Fri
Author: =)
Subject: Re: not forgotten!
In reply to:
's message, "not forgotten!" on 15:55:16 05/02/03 Fri
::Coughs!:: Hadrian? ... Who? ... Who is Hadrian? Man why does that name sound familar? Hehehehe.
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Re: Bringing u up to speed - my novella =) -- Rubba, 17:03:44 05/02/03 Fri
K the vTFL concept is moving along. THey are getting a lot improved upon ... MBT got me excited with the concept but then he friggen bagged cause they are not conservative like him. Ducky came back for a brief spell then back to school. Axis comes on now and then, but he is busy with his bizness so not as avaialable as before. Big PIMP well he is da BomB of *F*. Marv - yes he is Marv =)
Stone has an acct now and he should bring MBT back to help test. Magma states they will no longer support regular TFL.
I will be on the outer islands and not beta testing vtfl ... I've done enough on that already and with MBT awol it makes no sense for me to bust my nuts for something that
ain't gonna happen.
That is pretty much what is going on. Myth is practically dead .. I give it 6 months to a year at most....vTFL ? Well I dunno guys ... really. If *F* is there then so am I. If not .. well .. its been a good ride.
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hmm..... -- MBT, 19:53:17 05/02/03 Fri
First of all....Hi Bossman 8)
Everything you said sounds great and I am sure the dudes still *F*n around will like it also.
Stoney, Marvin, Rubba, War Dog, Axis, and myself are the ones who still play tfl regularly.
Ralph comes by whenever he is home.
Toad pops in like twice a year for mb a week.
PG plays whenever he is home and has no one to go hang with. 8)
Gil, also, pops on it seems like twice a year for a short stint.
Klaw comes on, maybe, once a year for a short time too.
As for vTFL, Rubba for some reason has stated a false accusation as to why I wasn't helping testing it anymore.
Plus, I don't seem to be AWOL.
So, anyway, everything you posted Haddy sounds great to me.
I am sure the other non-TFL playing *F*ers that
still consider themselves *F*ers and may be into it also. Nice to see our webmaster is still into us. 8)
oh yeah...and as always....Stone is gay.
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Re: hmm..... -- Rubba, 21:12:44 05/02/03 Fri
A false accusation why u aren't beta testing?
Wtf is ur reason for bagging out on it?
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Boo! -- Klaw aka Kraw aka Chupacabra aka Buzz Aldrin, 22:56:15 05/06/03 Tue
Hey you clowns.
I just finally found the mb and it's good to see the *F* troop still in disorder. I'd be on more often but after like 20 OS changes and losing all my Marius.net settings and whatnot, compounded by fearing MBT yelling at my retarded TFL skillz like I'm some drunken Faggorn, well, it's been a slow process to return. Sorry to use so many words and letters here MBT, I know it's very different from watching WWF and drinking Yuengling all day in your shack in PA, hehe. Just get a mailorder bride like Stoney and noone will think your gay. Well, nevermind, that didn't work did it. Go BRAVES! ***hum tomahawk chop music here*** ...then fall asleep like Ted Turner. 8)
Anyway, Hi Had, Ralph/Cos, Gil, Stoney, PG, WarDog, Puck, Marv, Rubba, MLT, Straggles and Sparrowwind, Canny and Toad, (Axis I'd say hi but I don't know ya, props anyway bruthah) and least of all, MBT, the most *F* of the whole bunch. 8)
Later Gs
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hehe, thanks -- MBT, 19:55:57 05/07/03 Wed
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