Date Posted:10:38:52 03/29/03 Sat Author:Mike Manson Subject: Re: Where are you all?! In reply to:
's message, "Where are you all?!" on 03:51:04 03/29/03 Sat
Brett, I'm still here. I'm working on ideas and stuff for my new fed, which seems to be coming along very nicely. Thanks to a certain person :) for helping out. I am hoping for it to be open before next Saturday.
You know what sucks about this break from CWF, for me? It's that I'm in first place in my Fantasy Basketball league, and I got a bye this week, so I am freaking board.
Hysteria if you read this IM me soon.
If anyone wants me, e-mail me, or IM me (NJerseyDevi1)